% bjobs -l 25521 Job <25521>, User , Project , User Group , Status , Queue , Command <#!/bin/bash; #METAQ NODES 4;#METAQ GPUS 16;#METAQ MIN_WC_TIME 40:00;#METAQ LOG /p/gs cratch1/walkloud/c51/x_files/project_2/metaq/log/%J.log;#M ETAQ PROJECT prop_weakfield; #BSUB -nnodes 6;#BSUB -q pspl ash2;#BSUB -G guests;#BSUB -W 120;####BSUB -x; source /nfs /tmp2/lattice_qcd/software/sierra/env.sh;export LD_LIBRARY _PATH=/nfs/tmp2/lattice_qcd/software/sierra/install/sierra /hdf5/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH; export QUDA_RESOURCE_PATH=.;ex port OMP_NUM_THREADS=4; base=lowmass_qudanef_48_64;PROG="/ nfs/tmp2/lattice_qcd/software/sierra/install/sierra/chroma _Kate_package_quda-double/bin/chroma";ARGS="-geom 1 1 3 8 -i $base.ini.xml -o $base.6node.geom38.xml.out";#export CU DA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="0,1,2,3"; jsrun -p24 -r4 --bind=none . /sierra_jsrun.reorder.sh $PROG $ARGS > $base.6node.geom38. stdout>, Esub Mon Apr 9 16:13:41: Submitted from host , CWD , Output File , Requested Resources < 1*{select[LN]span[hosts=1]} + 240*{select[CN]span[ptile=40 ]}>; RUNLIMIT 120.0 min of sierra4368 Mon Apr 9 16:13:42: Started 241 Task(s) on Host(s) <1*sierra4368> <40*sierra41 60> <40*sierra4162> <40*sierra4163> <40*sierra4164> <40*si erra4165> <40*sierra4166>, Allocated 241 Slot(s) on Host(s ) <1*sierra4368> <40*sierra4160> <40*sierra4162> <40*sierr a4163> <40*sierra4164> <40*sierra4165> <40*sierra4166>, Ex ecution Home , Execution CWD ; Mon Apr 9 16:13:42: CSM_ALLOCATION_ID=31717; Mon Apr 9 16:18:51: Resource usage collected. The CPU time used is 2 seconds. MEM: 49 Mbytes; SWAP: 0 Mbytes; NTHREAD: 30 MEMORY USAGE: MAX MEM: 49 Mbytes; AVG MEM: 49 Mbytes PENDING TIME DETAILS: Eligible pending time (seconds): 1 Ineligible pending time (seconds): 0 SCHEDULING PARAMETERS: r15s r1m r15m ut pg io ls it tmp swp mem loadSched - - - - - - - - - - - loadStop - - - - - - - - - - - power_cap power_shift_ratio ssd0 ssd0_wear gbytesin gbytesout loadSched - - - - - - loadStop - - - - - - gopens gcloses greads gwrites grdir giupdate gbytesin_gscratchb loadSched - - - - - - - loadStop - - - - - - - gbytesout_gscratchb loadSched - loadStop - RESOURCE REQUIREMENT DETAILS: Combined: 1*{select[(LN) && (type == any)] order[r15s:pg] span[hosts=1]}+240*{ select[(CN) && (type == any)] order[r15s:pg] span[ptile=40 ]} Effective: 1*{select[(LN) && (type == any)] order[r15s:pg] span[hosts=1]}+240* {select[(CN) && (type == any)] order[r15s:pg] span[ptile=4 0]}