Applying and Supporting State-of-the-Art Computing
At the Department of Energy (DOE) facilities such as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), high-performance computing (HPC) has become the “third pillar” of research, joining theory and experiment as an equal partner. HPC enables discovery and innovation through the extraordinary simulations it makes possible. At LLNL, Livermore Computing (LC) provides the systems, tools, and expertise that make these simulations run smoothly and that ensure that the Laboratory and its researchers can fulfill their vital national security research and development role for the nation.
LC’s missions are threefold:
- To provide first-class computational infrastructure that supports the computing requirements of the Laboratory’s scientists.
- To develop high-performance computing (HPC) solutions, in collaboration with partners at Los Alamos and Sandia national laboratories, for use by NNSA’s Advanced Simulation and Computing Program.
- To provide powerful and cost-effective HPC resources to multiple programs and researchers at LLNL under the Multiprogrammatic and Institutional Computing Program (M&IC).
The Livermore Computing Complex consists of three facilities: Building 453, Building 451, and Building 654. Building 453—formerly known as the Terascale Simulation Facility—is a certified green building. It boasts 48,000 square feet of unobstructed computer room floor, 30 megawatts of machine power capacity, and 7,200 tons of air conditioning capacity. Building 654 features 6,000 square feet of computer floor space and can scale up to 7.5 megawatts of computational capacity in the future.
Media or Sponsors: Get an overview of our resources on our Livermore Computing Resources Overview page.
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