To add your public key,, to your GitLab account in a browser:

1. In a browser, go to either or and log in. (See docs for help.)

2. In the upper right corner, you will see an icon for your account with a drop down arrow to the right. Hover over this arrow to display options and select “Edit profile”.

edit profile screenshot

3. A menu on the lefthand side will now appear. Select “SSH Keys”.

menu screenshot

4. You will now see a page where you can enter ssh key information:


add key screenshot
  • Copy the text in the file and paste it into the text box under the “Key” field.
  • Provide a “Title” identifying the machine where you generated the associated ssh key pair.
  • Do not enter an expiration date. This will allow the key to persist indefinitely.
  • Click “Add key”.

5. You should now see an RSA key listed under “Your ssh keys” on the same page.