Note Each link in the following software lists leads to a row in the table below. Links within the table lead to pages.

Compilers and Preprocessors

C/C++ and Fortran from Intel, GNU, IBM, and LLVM for LC's Linux clusters and CORAL systems. Multiple versions of most compilers are installed. See the Compilers Installed on LC Platforms page for details.

Debugging and Correctness

Ranging from simple, serial command line debuggers to full featured GUI-based debuggers for parallel codes.

Software*: DDT, FLiT, FPChecker, Intel Inspector, Memcheck (Valgrind), STAT, TotalView, Archer, ReMPI, NINJA


For detecting, profiling and debugging a range of memory related issues, such as memory leaks, corruption, errors, heap usage, etc. Several tools are available, which vary in functionality.

Software*: Intel Inspector, Memcheck (Valgrind), memP, TotalView


Available profiling tools, varying in complexity and features, provide a wide range of profiling functionality, such as HPM for hardware counter data, Wall-clock time, Time based on PC-sampling (PCS), MPI data, OpenMP data, Pthread data, I/O data, Floating point exception (FPE) data, and more.

Software*: gprof, HPCToolkit, Intel Advisor, Intel VTune Amplifier, memP, mpiP, PAPI, TAU


When the specific order of events is of interest, tracing can provide a view of application events, including MPI communication, OpenMP parallel regions, application function calls, and HPM data. Several tools are available, most of which are part of a full featured performance analysis toolkit.

Software*: HPCToolkit, Intel Advisor, Intel VTune Amplifier, TAU, Vampir/VampireServer, Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector

Performance Analysis

These tools typically provide more than simple profiling and tracing capabilities. They can include functionality such as multiple methods of data visualization, the calculation of derived metrics, integration of performance data with a database, network performance modeling, etc.

Software*: HPCToolkit, Intel VTune Amplifier, TAU, Vampir/VampireServer, Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector


Several tools and APIs are available for the following purposes:

  • Correctness - to help developers identify issues relating to the appropriate use of MPI or OpenMP.
  • Tool Development Infrastructure - libraries that provide APIs to tool developers.
  • Utilities - locally developed

Software*: Archer, MUST, NINJA, ReMPI

Table of Available Tools

The table below provides a quick summary of the primary Development Environment tools available on LC's production clusters. The linked tool names will take you to detailed information for each tool. Most tool software is packaged as Lmod modules and requires users to load an appropriate module before using the tool. Using modules is discussed in Modules and Software Packaging.

Tool Name Platforms Location List Available Module Packages Brief Description / Notes
Archer CORAL

/usr/tce/packages/clang "module avail clang" OpenMP race detection
DDT Linux /usr/tce/packages/arm-forge

"module avail arm-forge" Full featured graphical, parallel debugger

/collab/usr/global/tools/pruners/$SYS_TYPE/flit-2.1.0/ "module avail flit" Floating point variations

/collab/usr/global/tools/fpchecker/$SYS_TYPE "module avail fpchecker" Floating-point exception detection in CPUs and GPUs
gprof CORAL

/usr/bin/gprof n/a Standard unix/linux profiling utility

/collab/usr/global/tools/hpctoolkit/$SYS_TYPE "module avail hpctoolkit" Integrated suite of tools for parallel program performance analysis
Intel Advisor Linux /usr/tce/packages/advisor "module avail advisor" Performance analysis tool for threaded codes (no-MPI)
Intel Inspector Linux /usr/tce/packages/inspector "module avail inspector" Thread correctness tool with memory debugging features included
Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector Linux /collab/usr/global/tools/oneapi-*/itac/latest "module avail itac" Understand MPI application behavior and quickly find bottlenecks
Intel VTune Amplifier Linux /usr/tce/packages/vtune "module avail vtune" Full featured parallel performance analysis tool
Memcheck (Valgrind) Linux

/usr/tce/packages/memcheckview "module avail memcheckview" Memory errors debugging tool
memP Linux /collab/usr/global/tools/memP/$SYS_TYPE "use memp" Lightweight memory profiling tool
mpiP Linux



"module avail mpip"
Lightweight MPI profiling tool
MUST Linux


"module avail must" MPI runtime error detection tool

/collab/usr/global/tools/pruners/$SYS_TYPE n/a Noise injection for exposing MPI message races
PAPI Linux /usr/tce/packages/papi "module avail papi" A standardized and portable API for accessing performance counter hardware
ReMPI Linux

/collab/usr/global/tools/pruners/$SYS_TYPE n/a MPI record and replay
Spack Linux

Download your own by running:

git clone
n/a Software packaging/deployment
STAT Linux

/usr/tce/packages/stat (Linux)

/usr/tcetmp/packages/stat (CORAL)
"module avail stat" Lightweight stack trace based parallel debugger
TAU Linux

/usr/global/tools/tau "module avail tau" Full featured parallel program performance analyses toolkit
TotalView Linux

/usr/tce/packages/totalview (Linux)

/collab/usr/global/tools/totalview/ (CORAL)
"module avail totalview" Full featured graphical, parallel debugger
Vampir / VampirServer Linux

usr/tce/packages/vampir (Linux)

/collab/usr/global/tools/vampir/$SYS_TYPE  (CORAL)
"module avail vampir" Full featured trace visualizer for parallel program OTF trace files