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- sacct: display accounting data for all jobs and job steps in the Slurm database
- sacctmgr: display and modify Slurm account information
- salloc: request an interactive job allocation
- sattach: attach to a running job step
- sbatch: submit a batch script to Slurm
- scancel: cancel a job or job step or signal a running job or job step
- scontrol: display (and modify when permitted) the status of Slurm entities. Entities include: jobs, job steps, nodes, partitions, reservations, etc.
- sdiag: display scheduling statistics and timing parameters
- sinfo: display node partition (queue) summary information
- sprio: display the factors that comprise a job's scheduling priority
- squeue: display the jobs in the scheduling queues, one job per line
- sreport: generate canned reports from job accounting data and machine utilization statistics
- srun: launch one or more tasks of an application across requested resources
- sshare: display the shares and usage for each charge account and user
- sstat: display process statistics of a running job step
- sview: a graphical tool for displaying jobs, partitions, reservations, and Blue Gene blocks