Training Materials

Most training materials are kept online. They cover a range of topics related to parallel programming and using LC's HPC systems. For HPC related training materials beyond LC, see "Other HPC Training Resources" on the Training Events page.

Tutorial LTRAIN# Notes
Introduction to Parallel Computing EC3500  
Livermore Computing Resources and Environment EC3501  
Slurm Tutorial (formerly Slurm and Moab) EC4045 Moab has been deprecated, but references remain for historical purposes
Flux   WIP, on GitHub
Flux with Affinity Binding   Webex recording from 12/23
Intro to GitLab on LC   PDF used June 2024
Globus in LC   PDF of June 2022 presentation
Using LC's Sierra Systems   Sierra, Lassen, RZAnsel
Message Passing Interface (MPI)

Intro to Parallel Programming with MPI (Conceptual)
EC3505 1st link -- Full notes are on GitHub.

2nd link -- Conceptual intro to MPI (no coding) PDF
OpenMP Tutorial EC3507 On GitHub
TotalView Debugger Tutorial Part One

TotalView Debugger Tutorial Part Two

TotalView Debugger Tutorial Part Three
Jupyterhub, Python, Containers and More: Introduction to using popular open source tools in LC    PDF from 12/08/2021; working on accessibility
Parallel Performance Evaluation Using TAU   PDF from 08/21/2019 talk
Linux Clusters Part One

Linux Clusters Part Two
EC3516 Last updated in early 2019
Spack 101 Tutorial   On ReadTheDocs
POSIX Threads Programming EC3506 Last updated: 03/07/2017
TotalView CORAL Update   Last updated:10/24/2018
Updates and User Training for the MPI tools Vampir and MUST

Vampir & Score-P |  MUST & Archer | Vampir Hands-on | Cheatsheet
  Last updated: 07/25/2019
NVIDIA OpenACC Workshop Slides

Exercises installed under /usr/global/docs/training/nvidia/openACC on CZ systems
  Last updated: 09/25/2014
Advanced MPI Tutorial   Last updated: 09/13/2007