Guidance for Dedicated Application Runs on M&IC Resources
Large dedicated application runs, also known as DAT or dedicated application time, on M&IC machines are usually scheduled during a weekend. Some of these runs may require that the entire machine be dedicated to them.
Usually, LC will coordinate with the DAT user(s) to prepare for a start at 4:00 PM Friday (although it is possible for earlier start times depending upon DAT requirements). Some, or all running jobs may be removed at the start of the DAT, as necessary. Specific plans for each dedicated run will be announced in a news item and sent to the appropriate status email list. Generally, DAT time will be completed by 08:00 AM the following Monday morning.
During DAT time, if the DAT is a full-machine run, interactive work may still be done on the login nodes and in the pdebug partition. If it is not a full run, other users may run batch jobs on the remaining pbatch nodes.
DAT requests for other than weekends require approval by the M&IC management. Any requests for conflicting runs (e.g., for same time frame) will also be resolved by the M&IC management. DAT usage will be tracked separately from normal bank allocations. Over time, the allocation of DAT to each effort group will be roughly proportional to the normal time allocations for M&IC machine.