Note: These instructions should work for AiiDA v1.3 on LC systems. We are still testing v1.4, the most recent AiiDA release.

For more info, see the full AiiDA docs.

Getting started with AiiDA

Cloning and basic AiiDA Setup

$ git clone
$ cd aiida_core/

$ git checkout fix/1074/rabbitmq-configuration

$ python3 -m venv aiidavenv
$ source aiidavenv/bin/activate

$ pip install --upgrade pip # this takes it from pip 18.1 to 20.2

$ cd .. # go up a directory level to go outside aiida_core directory when you run the next `pip install…` command!

$ pip install -e aiida_core

$ LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8" # necessary on Maya
# ADD `LC_ALL=“en_US.UTF-8"` to .bash_profile as well! (For future use of Verdi commands)

$ verdi --version

Creating a profile

First, run verdi setup --profile test and provide the requested information as shown below.

(aiidavenv) [janeh@maya6:~]$ verdi setup --profile test
Info: enter "?" for help

Info: enter "!" to ignore the default and set no value
Email Address (for sharing data):

First name: Jane
Last name: Herriman
Institution: LLNL
Database engine (postgresql_psycopg2) [postgresql_psycopg2]:
Database backend (django, sqlalchemy) [django]:
Database host: # Nathan will use a different one for open shift 
Database port [5432]: #Nathan’s will also be different
Database name: aiida_janeh
Database username: janeh
Database password:
Broker protocol (amqp, amqps) [amqp]: amqps
Broker username [guest]: jane # broker things are for rabbit mq
Broker password [guest]:
Broker host []:
Broker port [5672]: 31859
Repository directory: /g/g17/janeh/aiida_core #path to directory created with `git clone…`
Success: created new profile `test`.
Info: migrating the database.
Success: database migration completed.


To complete setting up the profile, edit the config file. Open it with your favorite text editor

vi ~/.aiida/config.json

And add broker_virtual_host and broker_parameters after the broker_port field.

"broker_port": 31784,
"broker_virtual_host": "/aiida",
"broker_parameters": {
    "no_verify_ssl": "1"


Now test some verdi commands to see if setting up AiiDA and a profile has worked.

verdi status

verdi profile list 

verdi daemon start 1

verdi shell

Set up and configure a computer

Set up computer

(aiidavenv) [janeh@maya6:~]$ verdi computer setup

Info: enter "?" for help

Info: enter "!" to ignore the default and set no value

Computer label: quartzdebug

Hostname: quartz

Description []:

Transport plugin: ssh

Scheduler plugin: slurm

Shebang line (first line of each script, starting with #!) [#!/bin/bash]:

Work directory on the computer [/scratch/{username}/aiida/]: /usr/workspace/janeh

Mpirun command [mpirun -np {tot_num_mpiprocs}]: srun -n {tot_num_mpiprocs}

Default number of CPUs per machine: 2

After entering the above info, a file will open. Feel free to save without adding anything! Alternatively can add #SBATCH -p pdebug in the “prepend” section to make this a computer for only the debug queue.

Create .ssh files

This applies if you don’t already have a .ssh/id_rsa file, but be careful because this will otherwise overwrite the default.

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096

# This creates ~/.ssh/id_rsa and ~/.ssh/

# Now want to copy the public key into quartz

ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa janeh@quartz

# Test that you can ssh into quartz from Maya

ssh janeh@quartz

Configure computer

(aiidavenv) [janeh@maya6:~]$ verdi computer configure ssh quartzdebug

Info: enter "?" for help

Info: enter "!" to ignore the default and set no value

User name [janeh]:

port Nr [22]: 622

Look for keys [True]:

SSH key file []: /g/g0/janeh/.ssh/id_rsa

Connection timeout in s [60]:

Allow ssh agent [True]:

SSH proxy command []:

Compress file transfers [True]:

GSS auth [False]:

GSS kex [False]:

GSS deleg_creds [False]:

GSS host [quartz]:

Load system host keys [True]:

Key policy (RejectPolicy, WarningPolicy, AutoAddPolicy) [RejectPolicy]:

Connection cooldown time (s) [30.0]: 10.0

Info: Configuring computer quartzdebug for user

Success: quartzdebug successfully configured for

Test computer

verdi computer test quartzdebug # make sure all tests pass

Configure quantum espresso

Install plug ins for quantum espresso

verdi plugin list # to see options, including aiida.calculations 

verdi plugin list aiida.calculations # shows the plugins currently registered 

pip install aiida-quantumespresso # use pip to install a new plug in 

reentry scan # if you run verdi plugin list aiida.calculations, it won’t register the new plug in installed until after the reentry scan

verdi plugin list aiida.calculations # now this shows a long list of quantum espresso related plugins, including the one we’ll use next:

Set up quantum espresso code

(aiidavenv) [janeh@maya6:aiida_core]$ verdi code setup

Info: enter "?" for help

Info: enter "!" to ignore the default and set no value

Label: pwdebug

Description []:

Default calculation input plugin:

Installed on target computer? [True]:

Computer: quartzdebug

Remote absolute path: /g/g0/janeh/AiiDA/pw.x

After entering the above, a text file will open. Add the following module lines to the “prepend text” section:

module purge

module load intel mkl impi

and then you’ll get a message like:

Success: Code<201> pwdebug@quartzdebug created

Upload pseudo potentials

# Get pseudopotentials 


# Create a place to store all pseudopotentials from tar file

mkdir aiida_core/sssp

tar -zxvf SSSP_1.1_PBE_efficiency.tar.gz -C aiida_core/sssp #extract tar file 

verdi data upf uploadfamily aiida_core/sssp sssp "sssp pseudos” # load pseudopotentials

Run quantum espresso calculation

How to run a test job

You should now be able to run a calculation via

aiida-quantumespresso calculation launch pw -X pwdebug@quartzdebug -p sssp -i -d

If you run verdi process list -a, the most recently run calculation will show up at the bottom of the list, with its identifying “pk” number in the leftmost column. You can then take that number and run verdi process show <pk> to learn more about the process. Among the outputs for this command will be information about the pk for inputs to the calculation, such as

Inputs      PK    Type

----------  ----  -------------


    Si      111   UpfData

code        201   Code

kpoints     252   KpointsData

parameters  253   Dict

structure   158   StructureData

Syntactic sugar for running a job

The pk values obtained from verdi process show... can be used to write a script containing info such as 

from aiida.orm import load_node
from aiida.engine import submit

PwCalculation = CalculationFactory('')

inputs = {
    'code': load_code('pw@quartz'),
    'structure': load_node(158),
    'pseudos': {
        'Si': load_node(111),
    'parameters': load_node(253),
    'kpoints': load_node(252),
    'metadata': {
        'options': {
            'resources': {
                'num_machines': 1,
            'max_wallclock_seconds': 500,
            'withmpi': True
submit(PwCalculation, **inputs)

which can then be run via 

verdi run

Instead of aiida-quantumespresso calculation launch pw -X pwdebug@quartzdebug -p sssp -i -d. You can again learn the pk of this number by running verdi process list -a

Troubleshooting a job

Once you have the pk number of a job, you can learn more about the calculation and its outputs via 

verdi process show <pk>

verdi process report <pk>

verdi calcjob gotocomputer <pk>

The last option takes you to a directory where you’ll see the outputs from the job and the script actually submitted to slurm to run the desired calculations. You can also dig into the details of various inputs to the calculation via, for example, verdi data dict show <pk of theparametersDict> where the pk associated with parameters is learned from verdi process show <pk>.

If necessary, you can kill a process with verdi process kill <pk>.


QE version errors

Error messages

Both the stdout and XML output files could not be read or parsed.


parser returned exit code<305>: Both the stdout and XML output files could not be read or parsed.

Potential fix You may be using a version of Quantum Espresso that isn't supported by AiiDA. For example, the messages below were generated using QE version 6.6 too soon. Changing to a different version of Quantum espresso may resolve these error messages.

More details

+-> WARNING at 2020-08-24 16:44:52.714821+00:00
 | key 'symmetries' is not present in raw output dictionary
+-> ERROR at 2020-08-24 16:44:52.770446+00:00
+-> ERROR at 2020-08-24 16:44:52.774858+00:00
 | Both the stdout and XML output files could not be read or parsed.
+-> ERROR at 2020-08-24 16:44:52.777151+00:00
 | parser returned exit code<305>: Both the stdout and XML output files could not be read or parsed.


Daemon restart needed

Error messages

aiida.common.exceptions.MissingEntryPointError: Entry point '' not found in group 'aiida.parsers'. Try running `reentry scan` to update the entry point cache.


Potential fix Restart daemon  (assuming reentry scan does not fix the problem).

More details

Below is an example of full output from verdi process report <pk>

$ verdi process report 85
*** 85: None
*** (empty scheduler output file)
*** Scheduler errors:
The following modules were not unloaded:
  (Use "module --force purge" to unload all):

  1) intel/19.0.4   2) mvapich2/2.3   3) texlive/2016   4) StdEnv

Lmod is automatically replacing "mvapich2/2.3" with "impi/2019.8".

+-> REPORT at 2020-09-09 21:37:14.776260+00:00
| [85|PwCalculation|on_except]: Traceback (most recent call last):
|   File "/g/g12/keilbart/aiida_core/aiidavenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/plumpy/", line 220, in execute
|     result = self.run_fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
|   File "/g/g12/keilbart/aiida_core/aiida/engine/processes/calcjobs/", line 262, in parse
|     exit_code = execmanager.parse_results(self, retrieved_temporary_folder)
|   File "/g/g12/keilbart/aiida_core/aiida/engine/daemon/", line 412, in parse_results
|     parser_class = process.node.get_parser_class()
|   File "/g/g12/keilbart/aiida_core/aiida/orm/nodes/process/calculation/", line 489, in get_parser_class
|     return ParserFactory(parser_name)
|   File "/g/g12/keilbart/aiida_core/aiida/plugins/", line 158, in ParserFactory
|     entry_point = BaseFactory(entry_point_group, entry_point_name)
|   File "/g/g12/keilbart/aiida_core/aiida/plugins/", line 46, in BaseFactory
|     return load_entry_point(group, name)
|   File "/g/g12/keilbart/aiida_core/aiida/plugins/", line 202, in load_entry_point
|     entry_point = get_entry_point(group, name)
|   File "/g/g12/keilbart/aiida_core/aiida/plugins/", line 264, in get_entry_point
|     'the entry point cache.'.format(name, group)
| aiida.common.exceptions.MissingEntryPointError: Entry point '' not found in group 'aiida.parsers'. Try running `reentry scan` to update the entry point cache.

Note: These instructions should work for AiiDA v1.3 on LC systems. We are still testing v1.4, the most recent AiiDA release.