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- bhist: display info from completed jobs
- bhosts: display hosts and their static and dynamic resources
- bquery: display your jobs in the scheduling queues, one job per line
NOTE LC systems use command bquery instead of the IBM command bjobs
- bquery -aps: display the factors that comprise a job's scheduling priority
- bquery -l jobid: display detailed information about a specific job
- bquery -u all: display all jobs in the scheduling queues, one job per line
- bkill: remove a job from the queue or kill it if it is running
- bkill -s signal: send a signal to a running job
- bmod: modify a job's requirements
- bpeek: display the stdout and stderr output of a running job
- bqueues: display the available queues
- bresume: re-enable a suspended job for scheduling
- bstop: suspend a pending job from being scheduled to run
- bsub: submit a batch script to LSF
- bsub -Ip: request an interactive job allocation
- bsub -XF xterm: request to launch an xterm window
- bugroup: display user groups (charge accounts) and membership
- lshosts: display hosts and their static resource information