NFT (Network File Transport) is a file-transfer utility developed at LC and tailored to local needs. NFT features persistent, passwordless file transfer among worker machines and to the storage system in both the open and secure environments (with automatic routing of storage transfers through fast, jumbo-frame network connections where available). To monitor and confirm file transfers, NFT provides extensive job-tracking aids. It also supports command files and easy use in batch jobs.

This document is the comprehensive reference manual for NFT. Consult Using LC Archival Storage for an overview of LC's archival storage system and of NFT's role in managing stored files (alternatives to NFT for storage management are also explained). The FTP User Guide tells how standard FTP features, including storage access, are implemented among LC production machines. If your file-transfer needs specifically involve placing many files into or retrieving them from a remote archive (TAR-format library) file, consult the HTAR User Guide for another LC-designed, locally deployed tool tailored to efficiently managing large archives in storage or on any preauthenticated FTP server. If you prefer a visual interface to NFT (where you select files and target directories with CTRL-CLICK using your mouse, for example), then execute HOPPER on any LC production machine and select NFT from HOPPER's CONNECT menu.

NFT runs on LC's open and secure Linux/CHAOS production machines. 

Note that besides the open and secure archival storage systems, only those machines that support NFT clients also accept incoming file transfers using NFT. Other hosts (such as FIS) do not accept NFT transfers.

For help contact the LC customer service and support hotline at 925-422-4531 (open email:, SCF e-mail:

How to Run NFT

Basic Execution

To run NFT on any LC machine where it resides, type

nft [options]

where NFT's possible execute-line options are


ignores any .nftrc file. By default, as soon as it starts to execute, your NFT client reads the file .nftrc (if any) in your home directory and immediately processes any NFT commands it finds there, echoing their normal responses (if any) to your terminal. This run-control file typically contains requests for nondefault environment-variable settings or for automatic logging of your NFT messages.


outputs a newline character after each NFT prompt (omitted by default). This is intended to facilitate the handling of PERL scripts, but it is not recommended for ordinary interactive use.

NFT prompts for more input with the string nft> and you terminate your NFT client by typing QUIT (or, less elegantly, CTRL-C). Even after you have stopped running your NFT client, however, the NFT server will persistently execute any jobs (file-transfer requests) that have not yet completed (you can only kill your incomplete NFT jobs by using NFT's ABT command).

Basic NFT Features


Although NFT uses its own special server to schedule file-transfer requests and to persistently track them, it uses the standard FTP daemons on the sending and receiving machines to actually carry out your file transfers. Hence, some NFT commands (such as CHGRP or LN) may fail on some machines because the local FTP daemons do not support them there.


All NFT file transfers use the FTP binary (image) mode. You cannot change to ASCII mode with any NFT command.


The NFT server preauthenticates your access to the machines where NFT works. Hence, all NFT file transfers are passwordless.


The longest path name that NFT accepts is 1023 characters. (Remember also that many UNIX utilities limit names to 16 characters.) The largest file that you can store using NFT is 10 Tbyte (use HTAR to store and manage very large numbers of related files).


To specify the donor and target locations of files to transfer, NFT primarily uses a prefix or sentinel notation, somewhat like that used by SCP, rather than the login-based approach that FTP requires. For details on and examples of this prefix file-specification syntax, see the NFT Path Name Syntax section. OPEN command for a way to make NFT somewhat mimic the FTP login approach.


Several characters have special roles when used with NFT:

semicolon (;)

NFT recognizes the semicolon (;) as a command separator on its execute line or in response to any NFT prompt (e.g., CLOBBER;PWD).

filters ( ? * [a-b] )

The standard UNIX file filter (wild card) characters (? for single characters, * for any string, and [a-b] for end points of a specified range) are all accepted within file names by most NFT commands and can be used literally only if quoted (exceptions, where the result would be ambiguous, are noted in the description of specific NFT commands below).

filelists ( {a,b,c} )

NFT accepts these as a list of itemized file names a, b, and c.

other nonalphanumerics

- | ~

cannot appear as the first character in any file name, but can be used in other positions.

, : }

must be quoted if they appear in any file name (e.g., 'a:b'), because each otherwise has a special meaning for NFT.

quotes ( ' " )

Quotes have two special roles for NFT:

Quoted commands

Matched quotes surrounding commands only on NFT's execute line allow promptless execution (e.g., see the Input Files section). NFT rejects quotes around any commands after its prompt as a syntax error.

Quoted file names

Matched quotes surrounding any file name in an NFT command (e.g., PUT 'a:b') can protect imbedded special characters in the name, allowing them to behave as ordinary alphanumeric characters. But note that this quote protection has two important limits:

  1. Quotes do not protect - | ~ in the first-character position.
  2. Quotes protect file-filter characters from NFT but not from subsequent special handling by many FTP daemons, who treat them as filters anyway.


To request and monitor file transfers, NFT uses interactive commands and environment-variable settings quite like FTP. However, some commands (e.g., GET) have specialized, storage-only roles for NFT that differ from their FTP roles. For details on the NFT commands, see the Command Summary or the much longer Command Dictionary. When NFT's interactive commands have multiple, nonexclusive suboptions, you must concatenate all your chosen suboptions with a single hypen (-) sentinel, not flag each with its own sentinel as UNIX usually allows. Thus, for example,

dir -Fh


To handle special situations, NFT can accept its input from files and send its output to files. For usage instructions, see the NFT Input and Output Files section.


To take advantage of the significantly faster file transfers (to or from storage only) that jumbo-frame network connections enable, NFT automatically routes compute-node transfers to/from storage through the login nodes on many LC clusters. For more details, for the implications for LC's parallel file systems, and for ways to check or disable this routing, see NFT's ROUTING command.


NFT goes far beyond SCP or FTP in the elaborateness of its job tracking. Relevant features include uniquely numbering each job; commands to report job status before, during, and even after completion; user control of NFT's interactive messages about job progress; and ways to create and monitor "sessions" of related jobs. For details, consult the Job Status and Reporting section.


See the SETCOS section of the HPSS User Guide for a detailed discussion of HPSS "class of service" policy. STATUS reports the current COS requested, and you can report an already stored file's class of service by using the -h suboption of NFT's DIR command. NFT handles new and previously stored files differently, however, in regard to COS values.


Most NFT messages about user errors are sequentially numbered along with other NFT responses and begin with the string "error":

n.0 error explanation

If you transfer many files at once, NFT explicitly distinguishes between "no clobber failures" (overwrites that you prevented) and other failures when it reports errors. Note that, if HPSS storage is down for planned maintenance, then attempts to store files using NFT yield a different error message with this special format:

[SCF|OCF] HPSS Storage is down for maintenance.
*** Try again later.

Scripts that execute NFT should check for this special "three-star" error message and avoid needlessly resubmitting NFT jobs (storage requests) once it has been detected.


If you prefer a graphical interface to (mouse-oriented controller for) NFT, execute HOPPER on any LC production machine and select NFT from HOPPER's CONNECT menu.

Basic Examples

This annotated example shows typical file transfers using NFT.


To transfer several files among (open) LC machines using NFT without logging on to all of the machines.


  1. Start NFT.
  2. For convenience, change the working directory on YANA to /p/lscratchb/jfk (you could use path names later and skip this step).
  3. Transfer (outward copy) local file t1 to /p/lscratchb/jfk/t2 on YANA.
  4. Transfer (inward copy) file /p/lscratchb/jfk/t3 from YANA to local file t4.
  5. Without logging on to either YANA or ATLAS, transfer (copy) /p/lscratchb/jfk/t3 from YANA to /usr/tmp/t6 on ATLAS.
  6. Use storage-default command PUT to transfer file t1 from the client machine (where NFT runs) to as file t2. Note that NO hosts are specified in this command because everything is defaulted.
  7. Try to retrieve file t8 from storage to local file t4 using the storage-default GET command. Because NFT's default environment is NOCLOBBER, this attempt fails because t4 already exists as a result of step (4) above. You could use the CLOBBER option next, to allow this overwrite, or...
  8. Use GET to retrieve t8 from storage with no name change (and hence no overwriting of t4).
nft ---(1)

nft>cd yana:/p/lscratchb/jfk ---(2)
remote host yana: wd is /p/lscratchb/jfk

nft>cp :t1 yana:t2 ---(3)
1.0. 95 bytes received in 0.1 seconds
(0.7 Kbytes/s) from /g/g0/jfk/t1 to /p/lscratchb/jfk/t2
1 entry copied /g/g0/jfk/t1

nft>cp yana:t3 :t4 ---(4)
2.0. 98 bytes received in 0.1 seconds
(1.1 Kbytes.s) from /p/lscratchb/jfk/t3 to /g/g0/jfk/t4
1 entry copied /p/lscratchb/jfk/t3

nft>cp yana:t3 atlas:/usr/tmp/t6 ---(5)
3.0. 98 bytes received in 0.4 seconds
(0.2 Kbytes/s) from /p/lscratchb/jfk/t3 to /usr/tmp/t6
1 entry copied /p/lscratchb/jfk/t3

nft>put t1 t2 ---(6)
4.0. 95 bytes sent in 1.0 seconds
(0.1 Kbytes.s) from /g/g0/jfk/t1 to ~/t2
1 entry copied /g/g0/jfk/t1

nft>get t8 t4 ---(7)
5.0. error. Cannot clobber existing
sink /g/g0/jfk/t4

nft>get t8 ---(8)
6.0. 95 bytes received in 1.8 seconds
(0.1 Kbytes/s) from ~/t8 to /g/g0/jfk/t8
1 entry copied ~/t8

NFT Path Name Syntax

Because NFT sessions (unlike FTP sessions) do NOT begin with you logging on to a specific remote host, you normally use NFT's path name syntax to indicate each host (donor and receiver) involved in each NFT command. This section explains that syntax. (NFT does offer an OPEN command that somewhat mimics FTP, but its use is atypical.)

An NFT path name has three parts (some of which may be empty):

PARTS:   prefix       body          tail
EXAMPLE: atlas:~jfk   /dir1/dir2/   code3*.c

The latter two parts follow the usual UNIX rules for specifying directories, trees of directories, files, and sets of files. File-filter wildcards (such as * and ?) and the special dot directories (. and ..) are allowed in the standard ways.

The first part of the path name (the prefix) is unique to NFT (though similar to the SCP style). This is where you indicate the location (host) for the directories and files that you want NFT to transfer. There are 12 possible alternative locations, generated by a 3-by-4 matrix of prefix choices, as the left side of this chart reveals:

NFT-Specific Syntax

Usual UNIX Syntax




Any One of These

then Any One of These

Zero or More Directories (. .. ok)

Zero or More Files or Filters









[mt="empty," NO characters here]


where (1st column)


(colon) indicates the local host (the machine on which you are running the NFT client). For example :test3 indicates that file test3 is in the current working directory on the local host.


indicates the specific (usually remote) host named. For example, atlas:test3 locates test3 in the current working directory on ATLAS, while yana:/usr/tmp/test3 locates test3 in the directory /usr/tmp on YANA. Only hosts that have NFT clients themselves are allowed here.


(empty position, no flag) indicates NFT's default host, which is the LC archival storage system ( WARNING: This is a significant difference from FTP (e.g., test3 locates file test3 in the current working directory on STORAGE, not on the local host where you are running NFT.

and where (2nd column)


(slash) indicates the machine's root directory. For example, :/test3 locates test3 in the root directory on the local machine (:).


(tilde) indicates the user's home directory (must be followed by / unless it is last in the path name). For example, :~/test3 locates test3 in the user's home directory on the local machine (:).


indicates the home directory of the person with login name user (must be followed by / unless it is last in the path name). For example, :~jfk/test3 locates test3 in the home directory of user jfk on the local machine (:).


(empty position, no flag) indicates the current working directory. For example, test3 locates file test3 in the (default) current working directory on the (default) host STORAGE.

This comparative example shows the 12 alternative locations for dd/ff that this NFT syntax can specify:

NFT Syntax

Location of dd/ff


local host, root


local host, user's home


local host, kk's home


local host, current working dir.


host hh, root


host hh, user's home


host hh, kk's home


host hh, current working dir.


storage, root


storage, user's home


storage, kk's home


current working dir.

Some NFT commands (such as PUT and GET) are dedicated by default to file transfers with STORAGE (see keyword: storage-defaulted). Because of this special role, the storage-defaulted commands do not require, or even allow, use of the NFT prefix syntax to specify file locations. Storage-defaulted NFT commands take standard UNIX path names as arguments, but the host on which any file resides is specified solely by the command's definition (usually by the file's position in the argument list), never by using an NFT location prefix as shown here.

NFT Commands Summarized

NFT commands fall into several different, overlapping groups, based on their scope of operation, their filetransfer roles, and how they are processed during execution.

General and Storage-Defaulted Commands

Most NFT commands are general in scope and apply to any (secure) hosts that NFT serves, including (but not limited to) STORAGE. DIR (to list files) and CP (to copy or transfer them between machines) are examples of general NFT commands.

Some NFT commands are dedicated by default, however, to transferring files to or from STORAGE (such as PUT) or manipulating stored files (such as LN). The storage-defaulted commands exist because STORAGE is the primary file-transfer target for many NFT users and many NFT executions. These special NFT commands

  • do not accept (or need) the NFT prefix syntax to specify the location of files to be processed (locations are specified by argument position, as with FTP), and
  • can only be used for nonSTORAGE file transfers if you precede their use with an OPEN command. NFT's OPEN somewhat mimics FTP's OPEN, but unlike FTP it is not required for most NFT file-transfer operations (and is never required for storage-only operations). Even when you use OPEN, some commands are still limited to storage-only use (as the table below shows).

This table lists the NFT commands by their default scope. Each command has a detailed explanation in the NFT Command Dictionary.

General NFT Commands *

Storage-Defaulted Commands +

cp, delete, ren


dir, ls, pwd


cd, cdup, lcd


mkdir, rmdir


abt, rpt, clr


block, group, endgr

open, close

help, quit, source, time

chmod, chgrp

source, time

* For additional commands (mostly toggles) that control the NFT file-transfer environment, see the next section.

+ Using OPEN lets you "generalize" GET and PUT to other remote hosts, but most hosts other than STORAGE do not allow LN remotely. CHOWN can never be generalized to any host except STORAGE (even after you use OPEN).

Environment-Variable Settings

NFT provides several (pairs of) commands that do not directly perform file transfers or directory changes but rather let you control the file-transfer environment by toggling between alternative states. For each pair, one environment setting is NFT's default, as indicated in the table below (and the most noteworthy default, NOCLOBBER, prevents NFT from overwriting any file with a transferred file of the same name). The STATUS command reports the current settings. Two related environment commands also listed here support many-way choices (not just two-way toggles) among verbosity levels and NFT session numbers. Each command has a detailed explanation in the NFT command dictionary.


NFT Environment Variables

Toggle Commands

Specify how multiple commands execute sync (default, serially)
Resolve file-name conflicts (overwriting) noclobber (default, no overwrite)
Display NFT output messages term (default, show)
Log all NFT input and output clog (default, no log)
log filename
Use login-node jumbo frames routing (default, routes)
Specify HPSS class of service setcos nnn
Store multiples of mission critical files nodualcopy (default)
Specify verbosity of output verbose mask
Change NFT session session nn|new
Report current NFT environment status

Synchronous and Asynchronous Command Modes


The SYNC and ASYNC pair of commands overtly toggles NFT between two modes of executing multiple requests or "jobs," but other ways to change command-execution modes also exist.

By default, NFT commands (and jobs) execute serially (in SYNC or synchronous mode). While commands such as DIR and CD generally use so few resources as to execute (almost) at once, actual file transfers (copies with CP) may be delayed by resource unavailability on the server or client machines. Because it is obviously desirable to make or change directories before starting file transfers that depend on those moves (for example), serial (SYNC) execution is generally quite appropriate.

NFT supports three exceptions to or exemptions from SYNC mode, however, in increasing order of scope:

  1. GET/PUT: When you use the storage-defaulted commands GET and PUT with file filters (* or ?) or with file lists, NFT always processes the resulting multiple file-transfer requests in parallel (asynchronously), regardless of the current SYNC/ASYNC mode setting.
  2. GROUP/ENDGR: While remaining in SYNC mode, you can specify a subset of commands to process in parallel (asynchronously among themselves) by preceding them with GROUP and following them with ENDGR. To force all subsequent commands to wait until everything within such a GROUP has executed, use BLOCK after ENDGR and before the next command. For example, the following NFT command sequence first creates directory TEST3, then ASYNCHRONOUSLY copies three files into that directory (since arrival order is often unimportant), then, and only after all three have arrived (BLOCK), issues a report (RPT).

mkdir test3
cd test3
      cp yana:file1 :file1
      cp atlas:file2 :file2
      cp lucy:file3 :file3
rpt -a
  1. ASYNC: The ASYNC command should be used with caution. Results may not be as expected. The most general way to allow parallel NFT jobs is to use the ASYNC command. ASYNC cancels the default SYNC mode and makes NFT execute ALL subsequent commands in parallel (asynchronously), as soon as resources for them are available. BLOCK has no effect in ASYNC mode. When you run NFT asynchronously, jobs are scheduled based on availability of the system resources needed to perform them. They may not all start or run immediately. The point of this scheduling is to prevent overloading the NFT server and its network connections. Most NFT jobs, such as directory listings, directory creation, or reports, require few resources and receive immediate attention. Load balancing really becomes an issue only when you transfer files between machines. Here the NFT scheduling algorithm is quite complex, but it is based on these factors:
  • The number of current transfers from the donating host.
  • The number of current transfers by the requesting user.
  • The size of the file(s) being transferred.
  • The supply of resources (e.g., disk space) at the source and sink of each file transfer. 

Local, Immediate, and Job Commands

NFT distinguishes between those commands executed locally, by your NFT client, and those executed remotely, by the NFT server. Furthermore, among the server commands, NFT distinguishes between those commands executed immediately and those ("job" commands) queued for persistent, numbered, monitored execution.

Local (Client) Commands

Local (client) commands are those that are executed completely by the NFT client that you run. Because the client, not the server, executes them, local commands have no NFT job numbers assigned to them. The NFT local commands are:

  • async


  • close+


  • help


  • norouting


  • quit


  • status
  • block *


  • dualcopy


  • log


  • noterm


  • routing


  • sync
  • clobber


  • endgr *


  • noclobber


  • open +


  • setcos


  • term
  • clog


  • group


  • nodualcopy


  • pwd


  • source


  • time

* These commands do require communication with the server and use job numbers, but the numbers are never seen by the user and no BEGIN, DONE, ERROR, or ACCEPTED messages are returned for them.

+ The NEXT job (server-executed) command actually and persistently makes the connection requested by an OPEN or CLOSE local command that precedes it.

Server Commands

Immediate Commands

NFT immediate commands execute as soon as the NFT server receives them. They are not placed on the standard job-execution queues as the regular job commands (next section) are. Any job subsequently submitted to the server is affected by the previous immediate commands, but jobs submitted prior to an immediate command will never be affected by it. The immediate server commands are:

  • abt


  • session+
  • clr


  • verbose
  • rpt
Job Commands

NFT job commands are server-executed commands each assigned a unique job number that you may use to get information about the job or to abort the job later. These commands are automatically retried by the NFT server when a temporary failure occurs because of network, host, or communication problems. The NFT job commands are:

  • cd


  • chgrp


  • chown


  • get


  • ls


  • rename
  • cdup


  • chkrouting


  • delete


  • lcd


  • mkdir


  • rmdir
  • cp


  • chmod


  • dir


  • ln


  • put



Input and Output Files

NFT Output (Log) Files

Using LOG and CLOG

NFT allows you to begin at any time recording in a log file all your input to and output messages from the program as it runs. To start a log file, use the NFT command

log pathname

where pathname is usually just the name of a file (e.g., nftlog) that you want NFT to create in the current working directory (where NFT was started) on the machine where you are running the NFT client. If you supply an absolute path name (such as ~/projects/nftlog or /usr/tmp/testdir5/log5) then NFT creates the log file in the other directory that you specify.

Logging of all NFT input and output continues until you issue the CLOG (close log) command or until you QUIT your current NFT session, whichever comes first.

Issuing a second LOG command with a different path name will: (1) create a second, independent log file, (2) stop recording messages in the first log file, and (3) start recording (subsequent) messages in the second log file.

Issuing a second LOG command with the same path name will insert an updated time stamp (comment) in the open log file and then simply append all new messages to the old ones. If a file named pathname already exists when you first issue a LOG command, NFT opens it, appends a current time stamp, and places all your new messages at the end of that file. Thus, you can jump between multiple log files during an NFT session, channeling messages to one and then another, just by using LOG with each file's name whenever you want to change files.

NFT Logging Techniques and Examples

NFT does not collect a large buffer of messages before logging them; instead, messages are flushed to the log file after every carriage return. Logging starts immediately, and the first line recorded in your log file (after a comment-line date stamp) will be the LOG pathname command that requested the file. CLOG will be the last line recorded. As long as you do not change the (default) TERM mode setting with a NOTERM command, all your input and output will continue to display at your terminal while logging occurs.

Every line in an NFT log file is annotated by a prefix that indicates its origin (for easy analysis later). These log-file prefixes are:


indicates a comment (usually the date-time stamp at the start).


indicates input from you at the terminal, for example,

usr) get test3


indicates input from a command file that you had NFT process by issuing the SOURCE command. For example,

src) get test3

came from a command file, not the keyboard.


indicates output from NFT, such as a prompt or response to a command. For example,

) 48.0 95 bytes received in 1.8 seconds (0.1 Kbyte/s) test3

would be a typical logged response to the GET command shown above.

A sample of a short but typical NFT log file looks like this:

# NFT log --- Fri Dec 19 13:42:49 2006
usr) log nftlog2
)    nft>
usr) cd atlas:/usr/tmp
)    remote host atlas: wd is /usr/tmp
)    nft>
usr) cp :t1 atlas:t2
)    1.0. 95 bytes received in 0.1 seconds
)    (0.7 Kbytes/s) from /g/g0/jfk/t1 to /usr/tmp/t2
)    1 entry copied /g/g0/jfk/t1
)    nft>
usr) get t6
)    2.0. 95 bytes received in 1.8 seconds
)    (0.1 Kbytes/s) from ~/t6 to /g/g0/jfk/t6
)    1 entry copied from ~/t6
)    nft>
usr) clog

NFT Input Files

File Input by Redirection

NFT accepts input from a command file on its execute line if you use the standard UNIX input redirection symbol (<), as shown here:

nft < commandfile

Here commandfile can be a simple name of a file in the current directory (e.g., infile3), a path name relative to that directory (such as projects/infile3), or an absolute path name (e.g., /usr/tmp/projects/infile3).

The command file should contain just the same NFT commands (and arguments) that you might type at your terminal, one per line. Running NFT with a redirected input file alters its usual interactive behavior. NFT executes the commands in the file silently, without echoing them. After all commands have started, NFT automatically ends and you get the usual operating-system prompt. It passes status messages ("remote wd is xxx") to your terminal at once, but any job-numbered transaction messages (about files sent or received) that happen to arrive after the NFT client ends are lost (this could be all of them).

Superficially similar to file input by redirection on NFT's execute line is placing a quoted string of (semicolon-delimited) commands on NFT's execute line, as shown here:

nft "clobber;time;pwd;put test4"

This actually behaves more like file input using SOURCE (next section); however, the quoted commands are not echoed, but the normal status and job-numbered transaction messages are echoed, and afterward NFT does not end but simply prompts for more input (unless the last quoted command is QUIT).

File Input Using SOURCE

NFT also accepts input from a command file during any interactive session if you use the SOURCE command in response to its nft> prompt:

source commandfile

With SOURCE, as with file redirection, commandfile can be an absolute path name such as /usr/tmp/projects/ infile3, as well as a relative path name or a local file's name. And again (as with file redirection) with SOURCE, status messages continue to appear at your terminal while the commands in the file execute, but you will see no command echoes and only those job-numbered transaction reports (about files sent or received) that happen to arrive before your NFT client ends (and it could end quickly if the last command in your file is QUIT).

Usually the commands in a SOURCE command file are just what you might type at your terminal, one per line. But you can construct condensed and annotated command files by using # as a comment sentinel, semicolon as a command separator, and backslash (\) as a line-continuation flag. Thus, the following two examples are equivalent command files for use with SOURCE.

put test4
get test6

#shows special characters
clobber;put test4;get tes\

Logging Jointly with Input Files

You can log NFT output with the LOG and CLOG commands while also providing input from a command file, but the captured results will be different than if you log a normal terminal session.

If, while logging NFT output, you use SOURCE to issue commands from a file, both the SOURCEd commands and the system's status messages will be included in the log file, even though the commands would never appear at your terminal. Each is prefixed by src) in the log, but job-numbered transaction reports will only appear in the log file if they would have arrived at the terminal while your NFT client was still running (so often they are missing).

If you use input redirection on the NFT execute line, you can include LOG and CLOG among the commands in the input file to record what happens. However, while your input commands (e.g., PUT test3) and status messages will appear in the log file, only those job-numbered transaction reports that happen to arrive before your client ends are captured in the log. If the redirected command file also contains a SOURCE command within it (to include yet another command file), then each SOURCEd input line will appear prefixed by src) in the log file.

Job Status and Reporting

NFT Job Numbers and Classes

Using Job Numbers

Executing NFT begins a session (namely, session 0), and every NFT request (or job) in that session has a unique integer job number, starting with 1 and increasing sequentially. The NFT server remembers your past jobs for up to 4 days depending on NFT traffic (unless you flush their records with CLR or a session has more than 2000 job statuses), and during this interval it will not reuse the numbers of remembered jobs. So frequent NFT users may find job numbers incremented by 1 from their most recent job rather than starting at 1.

You can use each job's unique number to get information on its status in case it does not complete immediately (or at all). For example, to request the status of the job numbered 13, use NFT's RPT option:

User: rpt 13
Rtne: 13.0 error. Cannot clobber existing sink

See the Job Reporting with RPT section for details on other ways to request status reports.

For the special situation where you have jobs in multiple NFT sessions, with multiple job-numbering sequences, see the NFT Sessions section.

Job Class Hierarchy

NFT classifies all jobs into eight states (or job classes), shown here in their nested hierarchy:


Member Jobs


all jobs that NFT remembers, regardless of state *


jobs waiting to run or not finished running


jobs in the scheduling queue


jobs currently running


successfully or unsuccessfully completed jobs


successfully completed jobs


unsuccessfully completed jobs


jobs terminated by the user

* If you use multiple NFT "sessions," a special practice described in the NFT Sessions section below, then ALL includes only jobs in the currently selected session, NOT in all the sessions that you have created.

You can use NFT's RPT option to request status information for a whole class of jobs as well as for a specific job number (see the Job Reporting with RPT section). The NFT server remembers which class your jobs are in for about 4 days, but if you submit many jobs and want to monitor only the newest and most interesting ones, you can flush or "clear" NFT job-status records (by job number or for a whole class of jobs) using the CLR option.


Job Reporting with RPT

You can at any time review the status of your NFT requests or jobs by using the RPT (report) option. Two related options let you clear NFT status records no longer of interest (CLR) or abort jobs found to be still incomplete (ABT). The NFT STATUS option reports on your environment-variable settings, not on your file transfer jobs.


RPT by default reports the status of your most recent job (in the currently selected NFT session). But you can specify as RPT's argument a specific job number (n) or a range of numbers (n-m, using a hyphen, not a comma, as separator) to get reports on just the jobs that you select. The Using Job Numbers section above gives an example.

In addition, RPT (with CLR and ABT) understands eight classes of NFT jobs. Using a one-letter code for each job class, you can request status information on all your jobs that belong to the class you select:

Job Class




































Note that while you can report (RPT) on any class of job, you can only abort (ABT) incomplete jobs (held or active) and you can only clear (CLR) the status records of completed jobs (okay, error, or aborted). See the Format and Examples section below.

Besides the job number(s) or job class(es) you select, three other factors are relevant to the scope of RPT status reports:

  1. Record Persistence. The NFT server remembers your jobs, their numbers, and their status for up to 4 days before purging its records. So frequent NFT users will get reports on all members of a job class throughout this time range, not just on the jobs started with their currently running NFT client. If this is a problem, use CLR to overtly delete the old(er) records that are no longer of interest.
  1. Sessions. Most NFT uses have only one NFT session, and RPT reports on the jobs (job class members) in that session. If you start multiple sessions, RPT reports only on the jobs in your currently selected session, ignoring all your jobs in other sessions. This can give you more control of your status reports or lead to confusion, depending on your awareness of the sessions you have started. For details on the effect of multiple sessions, see the NFT Sessions section.
  1. Verbosity. The NFT VERBOSE option lets you specify which state changes NFT reports interactively as it runs (e.g., when jobs begin as well as when they end). VERBOSE does not, however, affect which jobs (or job class members) NFT includes in RPT status reports, nor the amount of detail provided on each job's status line. Thus, VERBOSE does not change RPT's scope at all, although it does change general NFT dialog.

Format and Examples


Most RPT status reports consist of one line per job reported, with the format

jnumFrnum. status info


12.0. done. ~/nfttest/test4



is the unique integer number NFT assigned to this job.


is a flag that indicates either a primary job (.) or a secondary job (/). A primary, user-submitted job such as GET * may generate many secondary jobs, one for each file retrieved.


is NFT's retry count, which always starts at 0.


is a standard status-reporting term (begin, done, error, start, accept).


characterizes your specific job, for example, by giving the path name of the file retrieved or of the directory listed.

To illustrate a typical RPT job-status report on a class of jobs, assume that you have started an NFT client and issued these commands:

cd nfttest
get test4
get test4

Then, if you request a status report on all of these jobs by using

rpt -a

NFT's response might look like this:

11.0. done. ~/nfttest
12.0. done. ~/nfttest
13.0. error. Cannot clobber existing sink
14.0. done. /g/g0/abc/test4

Note that your CLOBBER command, which does not involve any information transfer between machines, is not treated as a numbered job by NFT and so is omitted from RPT's status report. Invoking RPT's -v ("verbose") option inserts on each reported line the command (action) used as well as the usual status information. For example:

14.0. done. get /g/g0/abc/test4

Diagnostic Verbosity

NFT jobs pass through several states from submittal to completion, and you can control how finely NFT reports on these changes of state by using its VERBOSE option. By default, NFT passes along transfer statistics from the FTP daemon that actually moves files at NFT's request, as well as sending error and abort diagnostic messages if a job completes unsuccessfully. But there are other state changes, too, and you can request messages about any or all of them by using the appropriate argument for VERBOSE. (VERBOSE does not change the scope of jobs covered in status reports from RPT, which has its own verbose -v option, nor the environment-variable setting reports from STATUS.)

Each possible state change for an NFT job corresponds to one bit in a (32-bit) mask that VERBOSE sets. You request diagnostic messages about a state change by setting its bit in the mask, and you set each bit by using the decimal value shown in the table below. To request a combination of reports, ADD the corresponding decimal values and use the sum as the argument for VERBOSE (for example, the default combination of diagnostic messages corresponds to the sum 4+8+64=76).

State Change

Decimal Value

Diagnostic Meaning



Client has submitted job



Job has completed successfully

Error *


Job has failed (unsuccessfully completed)

Abort *


Job was killed by user



Job was received by server




Transfer stats *


FTP transfer amount and rate



Server has started job execution

Progress errors


Immediately reports in-progress errors in secondary jobs




* Default verbosity (combination 76)

To see how changing the VERBOSE value changes the grain size of state-change reports during NFT dialogs, compare this default-value exchange (VERBOSE 76)

User: get test4
Rtne: 14.0. 95 bytes received in 1.3 seconds (0.1 Kbytes/s)
      from ~/test4 to /tmp/jfk/test4
      14.0. 1 entry copied ~/test4

with this maximum-value exchange for the same job (VERBOSE 479):

User: get test4
Rtne: 14.0. accept.
      14.0. begin ~/test4
      14.0. start ~/test4
      14.0. 95 bytes received in 1.3 seconds (0.1 Kbytes/s)
      from ~/test4 to /tmp/jfk/test4
      14.0. 1 entry copied ~/test4
      14.0. done. /tmp/jfk/test4


NFT Sessions

Grouping Jobs By Session

Whenever you start an NFT client, you start some NFT "session" with a unique (integer) session identifier. (This is true even when you use quoted execute-line commands or input from a file, although the absence of a prompt or echo can hide NFT's use of a session here.) By default your session is 0. The NFT server associates the current session identifier with every job you submit during that session as part of its persistent job tracking and execution. As a result, sessions provide another dimension along which you can group jobs, independent of their job class, for monitoring and analyzing their status. An NFT session is a logical set of jobs sharing the same session number. It is not the same as an NFT client (one client can use several sessions), nor a sequence of jobs (some session jobs may be asynchronous and mixed with other-session jobs), nor a time block (two sessions may overlap in time).

The prime reasons for invoking multiple sessions are:

  • To subdivide the jobs in a class (all complete jobs, all error jobs, etc.) between sessions for separate status monitoring where you need such detail or extra control.
  • To allow separate RPT reports, not intermixed, on two (or more) sets of secondary jobs. Thus running a large GET * request in one session and a large PUT * request in another session would let you generate separate RPT reports on the many subordinate file transfers of each without interference with the other.
  • To let you recover and inspect the RPT status reports on all the jobs in each session (perhaps including jobs from several classes) independently of one another, even after your NFT client ends.

One Client, Multiple Sessions

Techniques. You can start a new session at any time while running NFT by typing

session n

where n is an integer from 1 to 99 inclusive. This command closes your former NFT session (session 0 is the default) and opens a new one, in which the new session number n is associated with all your subsequent NFT commands. NFT numbers the jobs in each session with an increasing sequence of integers that ignores all other sessions (so, e.g., each session may have an unrelated job numbered 13).

You can reopen a former session by using its session number in this same command (e.g., SESSION 0 reopens that session and closes session 1 if issued while you are in session 1). Reopening a session lets you check on its jobs with RPT or start more jobs associated with it.

NFT gives no overt confirmation when you close one session and open another (just the usual prompt for input). And RPT status reports do not reveal which session they cover. So to discover which session is now open (or to confirm a requested change of session) use NFT's STATUS command, which reports the current session number along with other NFT environment settings.

Because NFT remembers your session numbers for up to 4 days and because picking a session number already in use reopens that session rather than creates a new one, you may sometimes want NFT to open a new session by automatically picking a number for it that is guaranteed to be unused. To guarantee a fresh session number, use

session new

to which NFT responds with the message

New Session: n

where n is the next unused (by you) session number available. As before, your previous session is now closed and the nth session is now open.

Effects. NFT sessions group together jobs, not log messages or environment variable settings.

RPT scope

RPT reports on the status of only those NFT jobs associated with the session open when you issue the RPT command. To report on jobs in other sessions, you must first reopen the session of interest, then type RPT. RPT does not accept session-number arguments and its reports do not state which session number they cover (use STATUS). Remember also that you may have several jobs with the same job number, one in each of several independent sessions.

LOG scope

If you start recording your NFT interactions with LOG logfile, then logfile will continue to collect messages in an unbroken sequence even if you open new sessions or reopen old ones. You can change log files if you wish, but changing sessions does NOT automatically change or close log files, and you cannot permanently assign separate log files to separate sessions. Sessions divide NFT jobs while log files divide NFT messages.

environment-variable scope

Environment-variable settings (e.g., SYNC/ASYNC or NOCLOBBER/CLOBBER) persist independently of NFT session changes. You cannot permanently assign some settings to one session and different settings to another. Thus you cannot simply declare one NOCLOBBER GET session and another CLOBBER PUT session, for example, because each time you set that variable all (incomplete) jobs in all sessions will be affected. Only by using separate NFT clients (not multiple sessions with one client) can you have two sets of environment-variable settings for two sets of jobs at once. See the next section for details.


Multiple Clients, Multiple Sessions

You can run several NFT clients at once (each in its own window, for example), but to do so you must compensate for the way NFT manages sessions when the same user runs more than one client.


Client 0

Client 1


session 0

"steals" session 0

To regain, you type

session 0

session 1

By default, your first NFT client (e.g., client 0) opens session 0. Executing a second NFT client (e.g., client 1) automatically transfers that open session to the second client. One result of this "session theft" affects output messages, all of which are diverted from the first to the second NFT client. Another result affects subsequent input (commands) to the first client. Attempts to execute more commands (other than SESSION) yield a fatal error, terminating the NFT client:

***Panic. Another application instance has opened this session.

You can overcome this session theft and use both NFT clients with the help of NFT's SESSION command, used either interactively or in batch runs:

Interactively. Issue SESSION 1 to the second client (client 1) to open a new, independent session for it. Then issue SESSION 0 to the first client (client 0) to reopen or recover the lost session. Now both NFT clients will separately accept and process input, keep logs, and report job status with RPT. They will also maintain different NFT environment variable settings (e.g., NOCLOBBER for one, CLOBBER for the other) if you wish. In fact, only by using such separate NFT clients, each associated with a different NFT session, can you have two sets of environment-variable settings for two sets of NFT jobs at once.

Batch Runs. The above technique is not very practical if you want to execute several batch scripts at the same time, each involving NFT, yet keep their NFT transactions separately recorded. Instead, invoke SESSION NEW when you first run NFT in each script, for example,

nft "session new;log nftlog;status;clobber;put abc;quit"

This requests (and reports to your log file) a previously unused session number, so that your file-transfer records end up segregated in that uniquely identified session. You can then reopen that same session (with the SESSION n command) to accumulate records for every subsequent NFT execution in the same script, or repeatedly use SESSION NEW for each NFT run.

Multiple clients, each with their own session, are usually used to divide NFT job streams so they can be processed or recorded differently. But, if this is not your goal, you can pass NFT sessions back and forth repeatedly between clients at any time simply by typing SESSION n to cause the current client to open and feed its jobs into the nth session. NFT numbers jobs sequentially by session, NOT by client, so exchanging sessions between clients in this way will allow both clients to contribute jobs, with one sequence of job numbers, to one accumulating status record (per session) that RPT will report. See the Grouping Jobs by Session section for more details on how NFT sessions and job-status reports interact.

Using NFT in Scripts

Certain techniques and features scattered among various places in this manual are especially helpful if you want to execute NFT within a script (for use as a batch job, for example) and then feed NFT a series of (normally interactive) commands. This section summarizes these techniques for easy comparison, roughly in order of increasing complexity, and offers cross reference links when details are available elsewhere.

Quoted Commands. Perhaps the easiest way to pass a series of commands to NFT noninteractively within a script is to (1) separate the commands with semicolons, and (2) quote the entire command sequence on NFT's execute line. For example,

nft "clobber;cd dir3;put test3;quit"

enables overwriting, changes storage directories to DIR3, saves file TEST3, and terminates NFT. You must include QUIT at the end of such quoted command sequences to prevent NFT from prompting interactively after it executes the other commands. For technical details, see the NFT Features and NFT Input Files sections.

Here File. Very like the foregoing technique is the use of a UNIX "here file" of command lines imbedded within your larger shell script, initiated by << and delimited by a string of your choice (such as EOF). This example "here file" duplicates the behavior of the quoted NFT commands in the previous paragraph:

nft <<EOF
cd dir3
put test3

Variable Evaluation. For more elaborate situations you may prefer to assign NFT command sequences to a script variable and then evaluate that variable on the NFT execute line. For example, a PERL script might contain this fragment (using the same NFT commands as before):

$inn = "clobber;cd dir3; " .
       "put test3;quit";
@out = 'nft "$inn"';

File Redirection. NFT provides two ways to execute already existing separate command files:

  1. The usual UNIX redirection of input, and
  1. NFT's own SOURCE (read an input file) command. This approach allows you to reuse elaborate, comment-annotated NFT command files, but those files are not part of the invoking script itself, posing a possible file-management problem. For a comparison of the implementation details of these two external-file approaches, see the NFT Input Files section.

If actually completing (not just launching) all your NFT commands before starting your script's next step is important to you, consider using NFT's BLOCK command before you QUIT. And if running several scripts with NFT commands at the same time is likely, or if you typically rerun a script many times close together, then consider using NFT's SESSION NEW feature to help manage your NFT record keeping. Review the NFT Sessions section for a discussion of the relevant problems and possible solutions.

NFT Command Dictionary

Command Syntax Advice

The other subsections of this command dictionary explain each of NFT's (over 40) interactive commands in alphabetical order. Comparisons and cross references indicate when several alphabetically scattered commands are closely related to each other in function.

  • See the much shorter Command Summary for a concise overview of NFT commands grouped by function instead of by name.
  • See the How To Run NFT section for instructions on how to start and operate the program.
  • See the Basic NFT Features section for length limits and special-character rules that apply within the NFT commands you use.

NFT has several special syntactical features that affect how you can use its interactive commands:

Case. You can type all NFT commands in either lowercase or uppercase (e.g., status or STATUS). Of course, command suboptions (such as -R) remain case sensitive as is typical of UNIX software.

Concatenation. When NFT's interactive commands have multiple, nonexclusive suboptions, you MUST concatenate all your chosen suboptions with a single hypen (-) sentinel, not flag each with its own sentinel as UNIX usually allows. Thus, for example, the correct form is

dir -FPt

Escape. While running NFT, you can use the exclamation mark (!) as an escape character (prefix) to execute any ordinary UNIX shell command. Thus typing LN executes NFT's own LN command (on the STORAGE system) but typing !LN executes the regular LN utility on the local (client) machine instead. Naturally, these !-escaped commands get no NFT job numbers and are not persistently executed by the NFT server.


ABT (Abort Incomplete Jobs)


abt [[n[-m]] | [-opt]]


Aborts (immediately ends) your most recent NFT request ("job") by default, or aborts your specific job with unique job number n (an integer), or the range of jobs with numbers n-m inclusive (using a hyphen, not a comma, as separator), or all members of the job class specified by any one job-class option opt listed below. You can only abort incomplete jobs (those either still held for scheduling or actively running). Attempting to abort completed jobs has no effect, but will return the warning that "completed jobs were ignored."

You can use NFT's RPT (report) option to discover the job numbers of still-incomplete jobs that you might want to abort. On the other hand, you need not wait for an RPT report, or even for the nft> input prompt, to use ABT to prevent a just-issued erroneous command from completing. You can type ABT immediately after starting some undesired NFT job, even before getting an input prompt, and (often) abort that current job quickly.

ABT does not stop your current NFT client from running, just as QUITing or killing the client does not stop the NFT server from completing any of your already submitted jobs.

RPT (report) and CLR (clear) are NFT commands closely related to ABT. The NFT STATUS command reports on your environment-variable settings, not on your file-transfer jobs.


ABT accepts several job-class options opt to specify which set of your NFT jobs you want aborted. But ABT expects you to use these options ONE at a time: combined options do not yield combined job classes to be terminated. Possible stand-alone job-classes on which you can apply ABT include:


all jobs that NFT remembers, regardless of state. [If you use multiple NFT sessions, a rare practice, then -a selects only jobs in the current session, NOT in all the sessions that you have created, and the other job-class options behave likewise.]


incomplete jobs, waiting to run or not finished running.


held jobs, incomplete jobs in the scheduling queue.


active jobs, incomplete jobs currently running.


A typical use of ABT to stop an inadvertently started file transfer (in this case, immediately after it was started, even before NFT returns another input prompt) is:

User: get test4
Rtne: 5.0 aborted /g/g0/jfk/test4

ASYNC (Run Jobs in Parallel)




Begins asynchronous mode. Because SYNC is the default setting whenever you run NFT, the ASYNC command serves to cancel this default or any previous SYNC command. In ASYNC mode, NFT executes all your subsequent commands (jobs) in parallel, allowing any job to run in any order as soon as resources are available. Note: The ASYNC command should be used with caution. Results may not be as expected. ASYNC should not be used with the belief that file transfers will occur more quickly, nor should it be used with multiple recursive PUTs.

Asynchronous execution on a limited scale also occurs for multi-file transfers using GET, PUT, or CP, and for command sets flanked by GROUP and ENDGR. The BLOCK command has no effect in ASYNC mode. See the Synchronous and Asynchronous Command Modes section for a comparative analysis of the three cases where NFT allows asynchronous command execution.

The SYNC command cancels ASYNC mode. ASYNC has no options and returns no mode confirmation, but you can use NFT's STATUS command at any time to discover your current SYNC/ASYNC setting, which persists even across logical NFT sessions.

BLOCK (Block or Delay Next Command)




Prevents NFT from executing any more commands until all previously entered synchronous jobs have completed. Thus BLOCK;QUIT will end NFT only after all pending jobs are done rather than QUITing immediately (the default).

Synchronous (SYNC, sequential) command execution is the default whenever you run NFT, but NFT does support these three exceptions to or exemptions from SYNC mode:

  • multiple-file transfers using GET, PUT, or CP,
  • command sets flanked by GROUP and ENDGR, and
  • commands following ASYNC.

BLOCK has no effect in ASYNC mode, but using BLOCK immediately after any of these asynchronous episodes ends will prevent the next command (which may depend on previous job completions for success) from executing prematurely, as the example below shows. Also, if you start a new NFT session, BLOCK is an easy, harmless way to confirm that the new job-sequence numbering has started.

BLOCK has no options and returns no confirmation.


While remaining in SYNC mode, you can specify a subset of commands to process in parallel (asynchronously among themselves) by preceding them with GROUP and following them with ENDGR. To force all subsequent commands to wait until everything within such a GROUP has executed, use BLOCK after ENDGR and before the next command. For example, the following NFT command sequence first creates directory TEST3, then ASYNCHRONOUSLY copies three files into that directory (since arrival order is often unimportant), then, and only after all three have arrived (BLOCK), issues a report (RPT).

mkdir test3
cd test3
    cp yana:file1 :file1
    cp atlas:file2 :file2
    cp lucy:file3 :file3
rpt -a

CD (Change Working Directory)


cd [host][pathname]


Changes the current working directory on the specified host to the specified pathname. Here


is the NFT host-specifying prefix that defaults to the STORAGE (not current client) machine. If you precede CD with an OPEN command, then host defaults to the machine that OPEN specified.


is a standard UNIX path that defaults to your home directory.

So CD used with no arguments (and no OPEN) changes your current STORAGE directory to your home directory. Use PWD to discover the name of your current working directory, CDUP to move up one directory level, and LCD to change local (client-machine) directories. These commands are somewhat redundant, so that the following are exactly equivalent, and all require using NFT's own prefix syntax for hosts.

CD :..
LCD ..

CD takes no options, and it confirms each requested directory change.


If you specify a nonexistent path name for the UNIX CD command, you get an immediate error message and no directory change. If you specify a nonexistent path name for NFT's CD command, however, you get the usual confirmation message before receiving the string "no such file or directory." And subsequent use of PWD will also report the nonexistent directory, without complaint. Of course attempts to then use DIR or actual file-transfer commands will fail. You must overtly reset the working directory with another use of CD to a real location to overcome this error and continue transferring files.


In response to each CD command, NFT reports both the machine involved and the new working directory (wd), where the default remote machine is always STORAGE.

R/Us: nft> cd nfttest
Rtne: remote wd is ~/nfttest [on STORAGE]
R/Us: nft> cd :~
Rtne: local wd is /g/g0/jfk [on client machine]

CDUP (Change Working Directory Up)


cdup [host]


Changes the current working directory on the specified host to the parent directory (one level up), where host is the NFT host-specifying prefix that defaults to the STORAGE (not current client) machine. If you precede CDUP with an OPEN command, then host defaults to the machine that OPEN specified.

So CDUP used with no arguments (and no OPEN) moves your current STORAGE directory one level up. Use PWD to discover the name of your current working directory, CD to change directories generally, and LCD to change local (client-machine) directories. These commands are somewhat redundant, so that the following are exactly equivalent, and all require using NFT's own prefix syntax for hosts.

CD :..
LCD ..

CDUP takes no options, and it confirms each requested directory change.


In response to each CDUP command, NFT reports both the machine involved and the new working directory (wd), where the default remote machine is always STORAGE.

R/Us: nft> cdup
Rtne: remote wd is ~ [on STORAGE]
R/Us: nft> cdup :
Rtne: local wd is /g/g0/jfk [on client machine]

CHGRP (Change Groups)


chgrp [-R] group [host]filelist


changes to group the group membership of the files or directories specified by filelist, a standard UNIX path name or file filter, on the specified host (an NFT host-specifying prefix that defaults to the STORAGE (not current client) machine.

CHGRP can change the group for link targets, but not for the link itself. If you change the group for a directory, however, CHGRP does not recursively change groups for all the contained files (although you can change them all at once from within the directory by using the * filter if you wish or by invoking the -R option).


When you store a file with NFT, its default group is the same as that of the storage directory that receives it (not necessarily the group it belonged to on the donor machine). So changing a storage directory's group will change the default group of all files subsequently stored within it (but already stored files will retain their original group, even if they are overwritten later). If you try to assign a file to a nonexistent group or one to which you do not belong, NFT returns an error message (exact text varies depending on your target machine). You can discover the groups you belong to on the local (client) machine by taking advantage of NFT's ! escape syntax and typing

!groups youruserid

but you may not belong to the same groups on the STORAGE machine, and NFT does not support any equivalent to GROUPS for use on STORAGE. See the "Sharing Stored Files" section of the EZSTORAGE guide. Contact the LC user hotline to obtain the forms needed to create new groups on STORAGE.

CHMOD is a similar NFT command that changes file permissions. You can use DIR to reveal the current group to which each stored file or directory belongs.

CHGRP confirms changes made with a summary message that gives the count of files or directories whose group it has changed.



recursively changes the group membership of every child of the directory that you specify. NFT ignores soft links to subdirectories.


If group BIG exists on the STORAGE machine and if you belong to it, you can assign stored file TEST2 to it with the line below; if these conditions are not met (e.g., group XXX) you get the error message shown (you get a "group name invalid" message on machines other than STORAGE).

R/Us: nft>chgrp big test2
Rtne: 1.0 1 entry changed ~/nfttest/test2
R/Us: nft>chgrp xxx test2
Rtne: 2.0 error. 451 could not
      get user id from registry. ~/nfttest/test2

(You can also change storage groups, even recursively, by using a dedicated tool called CHGRPSTG, which is explained and illustrated in EZSTORAGE.)

CHKROUTING (Report Routing Availability)


chkrouting [[host]:]pathname


Reveals whether or not job routing is currently available for PUTs from or GETs to the specified pathname. Since routing occurs between pathname and storage (see the ROUTING section for a full explanation), it is never useful to insert a storage directory or a stored file name as the argument of CHKROUTING. Instead, use NFT's standard colon-based syntax to specify a pathname on the client host (:) or on another nonstorage machine (host:).

When routing is available, NFT performs it automatically, so most users should never need CHKROUTING. The commands ROUTING and NOROUTING respectively enable and disable routing if necessary. Reasons why CHKROUTING might report "no job routing" include:

  • Routing is not supported for pathname's underlying file system (ordinary NFS-mounted file systems, such as those for the common home directories, have no routing).
  • Routing has been disabled by a previous NOROUTING command during this NFT session.
  • The specified pathname contains at least one link as one of its directories or as its terminal file (NFT does not both follow links and perform routing).

CHKROUTING often seems to be an immediate NFT command. But it must perform FTP I/O to parse pathname and to check symbolic links, so it is really a job command (and, as the example below shows, VERBOSE 78 will reveal its sequential job numbers).


This dialog shows both local (:) and remote (up:) reporting cases, as well as CHKROUTING's latent job numbers.

R/Us: nft> chkrouting :/usr/tmp
Rtne: no job routing
R/Us: nft> chkrouting :/p/lscratchb
Rtne: job routing
R/Us: nft> chkrouting up:/p/gscratcha
Rtne: no job routing
R/Us: nft> verbose 78
R/Us: nft> chkrouting :/p/lscratchb
Rtne: job routing
      21.0. done /p/lscratchb

CHMOD (Change Permissions)


chmod [-R] rights [host]filelist


changes to rights the access rights or "mode" of the files or directories specified by filelist, a standard UNIX path name or file filter, on the specified host (an NFT host-specifying prefix that defaults to the STORAGE (not current client) machine.


When you transfer a file with NFT, its default rights (mode) on the sink machine seldom agree with its original rights on the source machine. For example, NFT changes rights for files going to STORAGE using umask (octal subtraction) 027 on OCF but 077 on SCF. Hence, you usually need to invoke CHMOD to explicitly restore the original permissions after transfer if you want them to persist.


While the UNIX CHMOD utility lets you specify rights both symbolically (with a syntax such as g+w) and octally (by ORing, or adding, the octal numbers of the rights to assign), the NFT CHMOD command accepts the octal format only. Attempts to assign rights symbolically yield an error message.

CHGRP is a similar NFT command that changes file groups. You can use DIR to reveal the current rights that each stored file or directory has.

CHMOD confirms changes made with a summary message that gives the count of files or directories whose rights have changed.



recursively changes the rights (mode) of every child of the directory that you specify. NFT ignores soft links to subdirectories.


You can use octal mode 765 to assign a chosen set of rights to stored file TEST2, then confirm the assignment by using DIR.

R/Us: nft>chmod 765 test2
Rtne: 1.0 1 entry changed ~/nfttest/test2
R/Us: nft>dir test2
Rtne: -rwxrw-r-x 1 jfk jfk 6229 Aug16 14:23 test2

(You can also change storage rights, even recursively and symbolically, by using a dedicated tool called CHMODSTG, which is explained and illustrated in EZSTORAGE.)

CHOWN (Change Owners)


chown [-R] owner [host]filelist


(Storage only) changes to owner the official owner of the files or directories specified by filelist, a standard UNIX path name or file filter. NFT reports "command not available on specified host" if you try to use CHOWN on files located anywhere except STORAGE. You need to use the host specifier storage: if and only if your current remote host is not STORAGE.


When you store a file with NFT, its default owner is the same as that of the storage directory that receives it (not necessarily the owner it had on the donor machine). So changing a storage directory's owner will change the default owner of all files subsequently stored within it (but already stored files will retain their original owner, even if they are overwritten later). And storing a file owned by another user into your storage directory will change its ownership to you.

CHMOD is a similar NFT command that changes file permissions, while CHGRP changes file groups. You can use DIR to reveal the current owner for each stored file or directory.

CHOWN confirms changes made with a summary message that gives the count of files or directories whose group it has changed.



recursively changes the owner of every child of the directory that you specify. NFT ignores soft links to subdirectories.


Currently only privileged users (system administrators) can change the ownership of stored files with CHOWN.

CLOBBER (Enable File Overwriting)




Causes NFT to handle file-name conflicts by allowing an incoming file to overwrite any file of the same name in the receiving (usually the current working) directory on the target host. By default, NFT prevents such file overwriting and instead returns a warning when file-name conflicts occur (NOCLOBBER). So CLOBBER overrides NFT's default NOCLOBBER behavior.

CLOBBER and NOCLOBBER are mutually exclusive alternative settings for an NFT environment variable that preserves your choice of behavior until you overtly change it (or terminate your NFT client). Only by using separate NFT clients (not multiple sessions with one client) can you have two sets of environment variable settings for two sets of NFT jobs at once.

STATUS reports your current choice of CLOBBER or NOCLOBBER settings. CLOBBER takes no options and returns no confirmation message.


Trying to store (an updated version of) an already stored file with NFT is a typical situation where the default NOCLOBBER behavior needs to be changed with CLOBBER to allow the desired overwriting to occur, as shown here:

R/Us: nft> put test2
Rtne: 12.0. error. cannot clobber existing sink ~/nfttest/test2
R/Us: nft> clobber
R/Us: nft> put test2
Rtne: 13.0. 95 bytes sent in 1.0 seconds (0.1Kbytes/s) test2

CLOG (Close Log File)




Closes the NFT log file most recently opened with the LOG pathname command. QUITing your NFT client also closes its open log file, if any, but changing sessions does not. As the LOG section explains, you can create more than one log file but only one can be in use (open) at any time.

CLOG takes no options or arguments.


NFT uses prefixes to reveal the source of every log-file line. For an explanation of these prefixes and a typical sample NFT log file, see the section on NFT Logging Techniques and Examples. Also, using input files changes the way NFT logs its interactions, but using sessions does not.

CLOSE (Restore Remote Host)




After any OPEN, restores NFT's remote host to its default value (namely, STORAGE). As with OPEN, NFT sends no confirmation or reminder of which host is currently open after a CLOSE, and you must use STATUS to disclose the current remote host. OPEN and CLOSE exist to supplement NFT's native host-specifying colon syntax and to somewhat mimic the behavior of FTP. But unlike FTP, NFT lets you use several OPENs sequentially without requiring a corresponding paired CLOSE after each one. CLOSE used with no preceding OPEN changes nothing and issues no error message.


See the OPEN section for an example of restoring NFT's remote host to STORAGE by using CLOSE following several OPEN commands.

CLR (Clear Completed Job Reports)


clr [[n[-m]] | [-opt]]


Clears (deletes the job-status record on) your most recent NFT request ("job") by default, or clears your specific job with unique job number n (an integer), or the range of jobs with numbers n-m inclusive (using a hyphen, not a comma, as separator), or all members of the job class specified by any one job-class option opt listed below.

You can only clear job-status information for completed NFT jobs (those that either ran successfully to completion, ended with an error, or were aborted by you). Attempting to clear incomplete jobs or jobs whose records were already cleared has no effect, and will often return an error message such as "no completed jobs in range." You can use ABT to abort an incomplete job before clearing its record, and you can use RPT to discover the job numbers of your completed NFT jobs.

By default, jobs are remembered by the NFT server for up to 4 days after they complete. This can be a convenience for reviewing your work, but frequent NFT users may find long accumulated RPT status reports confusing and may want to prune no-longer-interesting job records from them by astute use of CLR.

RPT (report) and ABT (abort) are NFT commands closely related to CLR. The NFT STATUS command reports on your environment-variable settings, not on your file-transfer jobs.


CLR accepts several job-class options to specify which set of your NFT job records you want cleared. But CLR expects you to use these options one at a time: combined options do not yield combined job classes to be cleared. Possible stand-alone job classes on which you can apply CLR include:


all jobs that NFT remembers, regardless of state. [If you use multiple NFT sessions, a rare practice, then -a selects only jobs in the current session, NOT in all the sessions that you have created, and the other job-class options behave likewise.]


complete jobs, that have successfully or unsuccessfully completed running.


okay jobs, those that have successfully completed running.


error jobs, that have unsuccessfully completed running.


aborted jobs, those that were terminated by the user with ABT.


CLR returns no confirmation of success when you delete one or more job-status records, just the usual prompt for next input:

User: clr 4
Rtne: nft>

CP (Copy/Transfer Files)


cp [-dpPR] [host]sourcepath [host][sinkpath]

cp [-dpPR] [host]{fl1,fl2,...} [host][{flx,fly,...}]


Transfers (copies) the file specified by sourcepath from the first host into the file specified by sinkpath on the second host. Alternatively, CP transfers (copies) each file in the ordered list {fl1,fl2,...} on the first host into the corresponding file in the second ordered list {flx,fly,...} on the second host (each file list must have the same number of members). Here


is the NFT host-specifying prefix that defaults to the STORAGE (not current client) machine.


and sinkpath are standard UNIX path names that default to the current working directory on each host (specified by LCD or CD). You can use standard UNIX file filters in sourcepath (to copy many files with one command) if sinkpath is a directory. File filters are never allowed in sinkpath itself.


and flx,fly,... must be surrounded by the braces {} shown above. If both lists are present they must have an equal number of members and no file filters. If you omit the second list you can include file filters among the entries in the first.


CP always transfers files using FTP binary mode (you must run FTP itself, not NFT, for ASCII-mode file transfers). By default, NFT does NOT overwrite existing files with incoming files of the same name (NOCLOBBER), but you can enable overwrites with the CLOBBER command. CP commands that include file filters, to transfer many files at once, are always processed asynchronously (subordinate jobs run in parallel, in any order) regardless of your current SYNC/ASYNC setting, so never use filters with CP if arrival order is crucial.

Because NFT uses overt host prefixes to specify the source and sink machines for a file copy (not login, as with FTP), you can use CP to transfer files between two machines even when you are running the NFT client on a third machine (third-party transfers, see example below).

NFT's GET and PUT commands behave like CP but by default only work with the LC STORAGE system, not between any two hosts. (You can "generalize" them if you use OPEN first.) Hence, CP is really NFT's clearest equivalent of the well-known FTP general GET and PUT commands.



destroys each source file after the transfer (copy) is successful.


specifies that directories in the sink path are to be created if they don't exist.


preserves the mode and group attributes on files transferred.


recursively copies source subdirectories (however, soft links to subdirectories are not followed).


  1. Transfer (copy) file t1 from the local machine (:) into file /usr/tmp/t2 on YANA.
nft>cp :t1 yana:/usr/tmp/t2
  1.0. 95 bytes received in 0.1 seconds
  (0.7 Kbytes/s) from /g/g0/jfk/t1 to /usr/tmp/t2
  1.0 1 entry copied /g/g0/jfk/t1


  1. Transfer (copy) file /usr/tmp/t3 from YANA into file /usr/tmp/t6 on ATLAS, even if running NFT on a third machine.
nft>cp yana:/usr/tmp/t3 atlas:/usr/tmp/t6
  3.0. 98 bytes received in 0.4 seconds
  (0.2 Kbytes/s) from /usr/tmp/t3 to /usr/tmp/t6
  3.0 1 entry copied /g/g0/jfk/t3


  1. Use the file filter * to transfer (copy) all files whose names begin with LOG from YANA to ATLAS. Note that these files did not copy in numerical order because NFT processes such multiple-file jobs asynchronously (in parallel), even if SYNC mode is enabled, and that the final transaction summary (here 11.0) has the lowest job number of the jobs reported.
nft>cp yana:/usr/tmp/log* atlas:/usr/tmp
  12.0. 914 bytes received in 0.1 seconds (7.4 Kbytes/s)
  from /usr/tmp/log1 to /usr/tmp/log1
  14.0. 288 bytes received in 0.3 seconds (0.9 Kbytes/s)
  from /usr/tmp/log3 to /usr/tmp/log3
  13.0. 178 bytes received in 0.1 seconds (1.9 Kbytes/s)
  from /usr/tmp/log2 to /usr/tmp/log2
  11.0. 3 entries copied (aggregate 3.4 Kbytes/s) /usr/tmp/log*

DELETE (Remove Files)


del[ete] [-R] [host]pathname

del[ete] [-R] [host]{file1,file2,...}


Deletes the file specified by pathname from the specified host. Alternatively, DELETE removes each file in the ordered list {file1,file2...} from the specified host. Here


is the NFT host-specifying prefix that defaults to the STORAGE (not current client) machine. If you precede DELETE with an OPEN command, then host defaults to the machine that OPEN specified.


is a standard UNIX path name, often a file in the current working directory (specified by CD). To delete many files with one command, use a standard UNIX file filter at the end of pathname. At LC, HPSS interprets DELETE * to remove all files from only your current working directory, not from any of its child directories (this is an important difference from FTP's MDELETE *, which behaves recursively in STORAGE).


must be surrounded by the braces {} shown above. File filters are allowed in any list member.

Remember that by default deletions occur among your stored files, not your local files (on the client machine), which you must overtly specify with the colon (:) prefix. To delete (empty) directories, use RMDIR instead of DELETE. NFT's DIR command lists your files. DELETE reports each single file it removes, but not multiples (from filter use). NFT has no separate MDELETE command (but see -R below).



recursively deletes all subdirectories and their contents. NFT ignores soft links to subdirectories. (NFT's DELETE and RMDIR commands are equivalent when you invoke the -R option.)


To DELETE local file test8 you must use NFT's colon (:) prefix, or else NFT will try to delete a file of that name from your current STORAGE working directory instead:

nft>delete test8
  8.0. error. storage: 562
  No such file or directory ~/test8
nft>delete :test8
  9.0 1 entry deleted /g/g0/jfk/test8

DIR (List Directory Contents, Long)


dir [-opts] [host][pathname]


Lists the contents of a directory in a long (detailed) format, with entries alphabetical by file (or subdirectory) name in the ASCII collating sequence that puts symbols first, then uppercase letters, then lowercase letters. Here


is the NFT host-specifying prefix that defaults to the STORAGE (not current client) machine. If you precede DIR with an OPEN command, then host defaults to the machine that OPEN specified.


is a standard UNIX path that defaults to the current working directory.


control the format of DIR's display, but only those options supported by the FTP daemon on the target host actually work, while others will fail, usually with an error message of the form nnn.0 error: Syntax error: Invalid command options specified. Different FTP daemons support different sets of display opts and those not supported by LC's STORAGE machine(s) are noted in the option list below.

LS is a similar NFT command with different default output.



lists all files, including dot (.), dot-dot (..), and the others beginning with a period.


displays nonprintable characters in the octal \ddd notation.


(not supported by STORAGE) sorts the listing by time of last change.


lists the directory entry itself (i.e., the single entry for .), not the contents of the directory.


(not supported by STORAGE) lists the security level (a digit).


(not supported by STORAGE) forces each argument to be treated as a directory.


(not supported by STORAGE) includes group ownership in the listing.


lists each file's class of service (COS) integer (in the third column, instead of its owner). See the SETCOS section of the HPSS User Guide for details about COS policy issues. NFT's own SETCOS command may be used to specify COS before you store a file using NFT.


(not supported by STORAGE) prints the i-node number before each list entry.


lists permissions, owner, group, and date with each list entry.


lists the owner's UID and group's GID numbers, rather than the associated character strings.


(not supported by STORAGE) includes file ownership in the listing.


(not supported by STORAGE) displays each directory name with an appended slash.


(not supported by STORAGE) prints nondisplayable characters in file names as a question mark (?).


(not supported by STORAGE) reverses the (default alphabetical) order of the listing.


(not supported by STORAGE) reports the file size in sectors (instead of the default of blocks).


(not supported by STORAGE) sorts the listing by time last modified (most recent first).


(not supported by STORAGE) sorts the listing by time last accessed (most recent first).


(not supported by STORAGE) same as option -a except that dot (.) and dod-dot (..) are not listed.


appends to each directory name a slash (/), to each executable file an asterisk (*), and to each soft link an at-sign (@).


(not supported by STORAGE) lists the target of each symbolic link rather than the link itself.


(not supported by STORAGE) lists the account identifier with each entry.


provides a recursive listing of the contents of all subdirectories too (may run very slowly). NFT ignores soft links to subdirectories.


A typical default (no -opts used) response to NFT's DIR command has this form (the meaning of each field is indicated below it), with a similar line for each file reported:

-rwxr-xr-x  2     jfk   doc   2048 Sep30 16:04 test1
[permission links owner group size date        name]

DUALCOPY (Store Dual Copies of Files)




Causes NFT to write dual copies of Mission Critical files to HPSS storage.

Newly written archival data is currently stored in HPSS via one of five classes of service (COS), informally called Small, Medium, Large, Jumbo, and Mission Critical. By default, files of Small and Medium COS are dual copied. (This is subject to change without notice.) Files of Large and Jumbo COS are not dual copied because dual copy is cost prohibitive.

Utilization of the Mission Critical COS is monitored, and users should limit their use of the service for truly irreplaceable data.

You can check the current DUALCOPY or NODUALCOPY setting for your NFT session with STATUS. You can discover the COS with which already stored files have been stored by using NFT's DIR command with the -h option (COS then appears in the third column in DIR's report). Use the NODUALCOPY command to store a file to the HPSS default COS (which may or may not be dual-copied based upon file size). See also the detailed COS discussion in LC's HPSS User Guide.


To select the dual-copy COS to store file1 using the NFT interface:

R/Us: nft> dualcopy
R/Us: nft> put file1

To then store file2 to the HPSS default COS:

R/Us: nft> nodualcopy
R/Us: nft> put file2
R/Us: nft> quit

ENDGR (End Asynchronous Group)




Ends the scope of an asynchronous group of NFT commands (jobs). See the GROUP command for usage and examples.

ENDGR has no options and returns no confirmation.

GET (Retrieve Stored Files)


get [-dpPR] sourcepath [sinkpath]

get [-dpPR] {file1,file2,...} [{filex,filey,...}]


(Storage defaulted) transfers (copies) the file specified by sourcepath from the LC STORAGE system into the file specified by sinkpath on the local machine (where you are running your NFT client). Alternatively, GET transfers (copies) each file in the ordered list {file1,file2...} on the STORAGE system into the corresponding file in the second ordered list {filex,filey...} on the local machine (each file list must have the same number of members). If you precede GET with an OPEN command, you can also retrieve files from a specified host other than STORAGE. Here


and sinkpath are standard UNIX path names. You can use standard UNIX file filters in sourcepath (to transfer many files with one command) if sinkpath is a directory. File filters are never allowed in sinkpath itself. If sourcepath is just a simple file name, omitting sinkpath causes NFT to put the retrieved file into the current local working directory (which you can specify with LCD). If sourcepath is a longer path name, then omitting sinkpath causes NFT to try to duplicate sourcepath on the local machine, but if the appropriate subdirectories do not already exist the transfer fails with an error.


and filex,filey,... must be surrounded by the braces {} shown above. If both lists are present they must have an equal number of members and no file filters. If you omit the second list you can include file filters among the entries in the first.


Unlike NFT's CP (copy) command and FTP's general GET command, NFT's GET transfers files by default only from LC's STORAGE system and only to the local (client) machine. Hence, no host-specifying prefixes are allowed when you use GET, and third-party GETs between remote machines are not supported. You can, however, use OPEN to reset NFT's remote host and then GET files from a nonSTORAGE source machine.

GET always transfers files using FTP binary mode (you must run FTP itself, not NFT, for ASCII-mode file transfers). By default, NFT does NOT overwrite existing files with incoming files of the same name (NOCLOBBER), but you can enable overwrites with the CLOBBER command. GET commands that include file filters, to transfer many files at once, are always processed asynchronously (subordinate jobs run in parallel, in any order) regardless of your current SYNC/ASYNC setting, so never use filters with GET if arrival order is crucial.

Use CP (copy) for all general file transfers with NFT, and use PUT (transfer to STORAGE) to move files in the opposite direction from GET.



destroys the source file (on STORAGE) after transfer to the local machine is successful.


specifies that directories in the sink path are to be created if they don't exist.


preserves the mode and group attributes on files transferred.


recursively copies all children in subdirectories of sourcepath, if it is a directory. NFT ignores soft links to subdirectories.


By default, NFT prevents overwriting an existing file (here t4) whenever you use GET to retrieve (here t6) from STORAGE. You can retrieve to a nonconflicting file name (as shown here) or use NFT's CLOBBER command to enable overwriting.

nft>get t6 t4
  5.0. error. Cannot clobber existing
  sink /g/g0/jfk/t4
nft>get t6
  6.0. 95 bytes received in 1.8 seconds
  (0.1 Kbytes/s) from ~/t6 to /g/g0/jfk/t6
  1 entry copied ~/t6


If you want to GET a few files from inside a stored TAR-format archive file without first GETting the whole (large) archive to your local machine, use HTAR instead of NFT.

GROUP (Begin Asynchronous Group)




Begins the scope of an asynchronous group of NFT commands (that will be closed by an ENDGR command).

All commands between a GROUP/ENDGR pair are executed asynchronously, in parallel, as resources become available, even though the default for NFT command execution is synchronous (serial). The whole group is scheduled serially, as usual, so that all previously entered synchronous commands will execute before any commands within the group execute.

Users interested in running NFT asynchronously should consult the SYNC command section as well as the Synchronous and Asynchronous Command Modes section for a comparative analysis of the three ways that NFT supports parallel jobs.

GROUP has no options, but you must use ENDGR to close a command group started with GROUP.


While remaining in SYNC mode, you can specify a subset of commands to process in parallel (asynchronously among themselves) by preceding them with GROUP and following them with ENDGR. To force all subsequent commands to wait until everything within such a GROUP has executed, use BLOCK after ENDGR and before the next command. For example, the following NFT command sequence first creates directory TEST3, then ASYNCHRONOUSLY copies three files into that directory (since arrival order is often unimportant), then, and only after all three have arrived (BLOCK), issues a report (RPT).

mkdir test3
cd test3
    cp yana:file1 :file1
    cp atlas:file2 :file2
    cp lucy:file3 :file3
rpt -a

HELP (Describe NFT Commands)


help [command]


Lists the available NFT command names, in broad functional groups, or, if you supply a specific command's name, describes that command. Here


identifies the NFT option on which you want specific help. NFT returns a MAN-page-like syntax summary briefly covering uses and suboptions, followed by a few examples. Help messages for commands with many suboptions, such as DIR, are abbreviated.

HELP takes no options and requests for help about nonexistent NFT commands return a syntax error.

LCD (Change Local Working Directory)


lcd [pathname]


Changes the current working directory on the local machine (where you are running your NFT client) to the specified pathname, which is a standard UNIX path that defaults to your home directory.

Use CD to change working directories generally, PWD to discover the name of your current local working directory, and CDUP to move up one directory level. These commands are somewhat redundant, so that the following are exactly equivalent, and all require using NFT's own prefix syntax for hosts.

CD :..
LCD ..

LCD takes no options, and it confirms each requested directory change.


If you specify a nonexistent path name for the UNIX CD command, you get an immediate error message and no directory change. If you specify a nonexistent path name for NFT's LCD command, however, you get the usual confirmation message before receiving the string "no such file or directory." And subsequent use of PWD will also report the nonexistent directory, without complaint. Of course attempts to then use DIR or actual filetransfer commands will fail. You must overtly reset the local working directory with another use of LCD to a real location to overcome this error and continue transferring files.


In response to each LCD command, NFT reports both the machine involved and the new working directory (wd).

R/Us: nft> lcd /usr/tmp/stuff
Rtne: local wd is /usr/tmp/stuff [on client machine]

LN (Create a Link)


ln -s[p] sourcepath linkname


(Storage only) creates a new directory entry called linkname that points to the file or directory specified in sourcepath on the STORAGE system. Here


is a standard UNIX path that leads to the original file or directory, to which you want to link.


is a UNIX path that leads to where the link (pointer) will be placed. If linkname ends in a directory, then the children of sourcepath will be duplicated there as links back to their counterparts. If linkname ends in a file, then the new link will be given the file name at the end of that path.

NFT's LN command works only on the STORAGE system, not on any other hosts. (Technically, using OPEN should allow you to use LN on the nonSTORAGE host you have OPENed. In practice, however, the only LC FTP daemon that supports remote links is the one on STORAGE, both open and secure.) But you can use the escape syntax !LN to issue a link command that executes on the local (client) machine (though not on other remote machines).



specifies that directories in the sink path are to be created if they don't exist.


specifies a soft link (hard links on the STORAGE system are not allowed, and using LN without this option returns an error message that says so).


To create a link (pointer) in your storage directory NFTTEST called T4 that points back to actual file T1 in your home storage directory, use the LN command shown here.

nft>ln -s ~/t1 ~/nfttest/t4
  3.0. 1 entry linked ~/t1

LOG (Open Log File)


log pathname


Begins recording in a log file all your input to and output messages from NFT as it runs. Here


is usually just the name of a file (e.g. nftlog) that you want NFT to create in the current working directory (where NFT was started) on the machine where you are running the NFT client. If you supply an absolute path name (such as ~/projects/nftlog or /usr/tmp/ testdir5/log5) then NFT creates the log file in the other directory that you specify.

Logging of all NFT input and output continues until you issue the CLOG (close log) command or until you QUIT your current NFT session, whichever comes first.

Issuing a second LOG command with a different path name will (1) create a second, independent log file, (2) stop recording messages in the first log file, and (3) start recording (subsequent) messages in the second log file. Issuing a second LOG command with the same path name will insert an updated time stamp (comment) in the open log file and then simply append all new messages to the old ones. If a file named pathname already exists when you first issue a LOG command, NFT opens it, appends a current time stamp, and places all your new messages at the end of that file. Thus you can jump between multiple log files during an NFT session, channeling messages to one and then another, just by using LOG with each file's name whenever you want to change files.

NFT does not collect a large buffer of messages before logging them; instead, messages are flushed to the log file after every carriage return. Logging starts immediately, and the first line recorded in your log file (after a comment-line date stamp) will be the LOG pathname command that requested the file. CLOG will be the last line recorded. As long as you do not change the (default) TERM mode setting with a NOTERM command, all your input and output will continue to display at your terminal while logging occurs.

LOG takes no options and there is no default log-file name.


NFT uses prefixes to reveal the source of every log-file line. For an explanation of these prefixes and a typical sample NFT log file, see the section on NFT Logging Techniques. Also, using input files changes the way NFT logs its interactions but using sessions does not.

LS (List Directory Contents, Short)


ls [-opts] [host][pathname]


Lists the contents of a directory in a short format (names only by default, unless you add detail with options), with entries alphabetical by file (or subdirectory) name in the ASCII collating sequence that puts symbols first, then uppercase letters, then lowercase letters. Here


is the NFT host-specifying prefix that defaults to the STORAGE (not current client) machine. If you precede LS with an OPEN command, then host defaults to the machine that OPEN specified.


is a standard UNIX path that defaults to the current working directory.


control the format of LS's display, but only those options supported by the FTP daemon on the target host actually work, while others will fail, usually with an error message of the form

nnn.0. error: Syntax error: Invalid command options specified

Different FTP daemons support different sets of display opts and those not supported by LC's STORAGE machine(s) are noted in the option list below.

DIR is a similar NFT command with different default output.



lists all files, including dot (.), dot-dot (..), and the others beginning with a period.


displays nonprintable characters in the octal \ddd notation.


(not supported by STORAGE) sorts the listing by time of last change.


lists the directory entry itself (i.e., the single entry for .), not the contents of the directory.


(not supported by STORAGE) lists the security level (a digit).


(not supported by STORAGE) forces each argument to be treated as a directory.


(not supported by STORAGE) includes group ownership in the listing.


lists each file's class of service (COS) identifier (instead of its owner). See the SETCOS section of the HPSS User Guide for class of service details.


(not supported by STORAGE) prints the i-node number before each list entry.


lists permissions, owner, group, and date with each list entry.


(not supported by STORAGE) lists file names horizontally, each separated by one comma and one blank space from the next.


lists the owner's UID and group's GID numbers, rather than the associated character strings.


(not supported by STORAGE) includes file ownership in the listing.


(not supported by STORAGE) displays each directory name with an appended slash.


(not supported by STORAGE) prints nondisplayable characters in file names as a question mark (?).


(not supported by STORAGE) reverses the (default alphabetical) order of the listing.


(not supported by STORAGE) reports the file size in sectors (instead of the default of blocks).


(not supported by STORAGE) sorts the listing by time last modified (most recent first).


(not supported by STORAGE) sorts the listing by time last accessed (most recent first).


(not supported by STORAGE) lists file names horizontally in columns.


(not supported by STORAGE) same as option -a except that dot (.) and dod-dot (..) are not listed.


(not supported by STORAGE) formats the listing in multiple columns.


appends to each directory name a slash (/), to each executable file an asterisk (*), and to each soft link an at-sign (@).


(not supported by STORAGE) lists the target of each symbolic link rather than the link itself.


(not supported by STORAGE) lists the account identifier with each entry.


provides a recursive listing of the contents of all subdirectories, too (may run very slowly). If you use -R together with any multicolumn option (-m, -x, -C), the multicolumn option is ignored. NFT ignores soft links to subdirectories.


A typical default (no -opts used) response to NFT's LS command is a one-column list of file and directory names. See the DIR section above for an annotated explanation of the more elaborate output that using LS with options can yield.

MKDIR (Make Directories)


mkdir [-p] [host]pathname


Creates the specified directory on the specified host. Here


is the NFT host-specifying prefix that defaults to the STORAGE (not current client) machine. If you precede MKDIR with an OPEN command, then host defaults to the machine that OPEN specified.


specifies where to put the new directory. If this is a simple directory name, then NFT makes the directory in the current working directory (specified by CD). If this is a relative or absolute path name all of whose other directories already exist, then NFT makes the new directory as a child of the last directory in the path.

MKDIR at default reporting levels does not confirm the creation of the directory you requested. However, NFT's DIR command lists your files and directories for confirmation.



specifies that directories in the sink path are to be created if they don't exist.

NOCLOBBER (Disable File Overwriting)




Causes NFT to handle file-name conflicts by preventing an incoming file from overwriting any file of the same name in the receiving (current working) directory on the target host. Instead NFT returns a warning when filename conflicts occur. NOCLOBBER is NFT's default behavior, so you would normally need to use the overt NOCLOBBER command only to reverse your previous use of the CLOBBER command, which enables file overwriting.

CLOBBER and NOCLOBBER are mutually exclusive alternative settings for an NFT environment variable that preserves your choice of behavior until you overtly change it (or terminate your NFT client). Only by using separate NFT clients (not multiple sessions with one client) can you have two sets of environment variable settings for two sets of NFT jobs at once. See the NFT Sessions section for details.

STATUS reports your current choice of CLOBBER or NOLOBBER settings. NOCLOBBER takes no options and returns no confirmation message.


NOCLOBBER (no overwriting) is NFT's default behavior; consult the CLOBBER section for an example of how to reverse this behavior.

NODUALCOPY (Undo Dual Copy)




Causes NFT to to write files to HPSS storage in their default class of service (COS). You can check the current DUALCOPY or NODUALCOPY setting for your NFT session with STATUS. You can discover the COS with which already stored files have been stored by using NFT's DIR command with the -h option (COS then appears in the third column in DIR's report). Use the DUALCOPY command to store a Mission Critical file to the HPSS. See also the detailed COS discussion in LC's HPSS User Guide.

NOROUTING (Disable Routing)




Disables the normally automatic ROUTING of NFT file transfers (to or from storage) from compute nodes to login nodes to take advantage of the latter's jumbo-frame network connections.

On many LC production machines, the login nodes have jumbo-frame network connections to storage, enabling large data blocks to transfer more quickly than with standard, smaller frames. Compute nodes lack these jumbo-frame connections because of their higher cost. When appropriate, NFT now routes file-transfer requests (to or from storage) from their originating compute nodes to the login nodes on the same cluster to take advantage of available faster jumbo-frame transfer rates.

NOROUTING disables such routing (usually needed only for timing or other special tests). Use CHKROUTING to see if routing is currently enabled or disabled (or otherwise not available) between a specified pathname and storage. STATUS also reveals whether routing is on (yes) or off (no). See the ROUTING section below for more details on where routing is available and when it is beneficial.


Routing is on by default, but you can disable it with NOROUTING if you wish.

R/Us: nft> norouting
R/Us: nft> status
Rtne: Connected to storage as jfk.
      . . .
      Routing: no

NOTERM (Disable Terminal Output)




Causes NFT to prevent terminal display of all output from its executed commands and to stop offering its interactive nft> prompt as well. So NOTERM overrides NFT's default TERM behavior. If you have enabled an NFT log file with the LOG command, however, all normal output and prompts continue to collect in that file even after you use NOTERM.

TERM and NOTERM are mutually exclusive alternative settings for an NFT environment variable that preserves your choice of behavior until you overtly change it (or terminate your NFT client). Only by using separate NFT clients (not multiple sessions with one client) can you have two sets of environment variable settings for two sets of NFT jobs at once. See the NFT Sessions section for details.

STATUS normally reports your NFT environment variable settings, but of course NOTERM hides all STATUS output as well as other output. NOTERM takes no options and returns no confirmation message, but the absence of NFT prompts betrays its use.

OPEN (Change Remote Host)


open host


Changes from STORAGE (the default) to host (which you must specify) the remote host with which NFT interacts and on which it reports. Actually, OPEN itself is a local command that only changes the remote host reported by the STATUS command in its "connected to host as yyy" output. Only after you attempt a specific interaction with that host (such as CD or PUT) does the hidden NFT server try to connect to it (persistently). hostmust be a domain name (e.g., ATLAS or ATLAS.LLNL.GOV), not a numerical IP address.

When using OPEN remember that:

  1. NFT sends no clarification or reminder of which host is currently open, and no altered prompt reveals the current target (unlike FTP). You must use STATUS to disclose the current remote host.
  1. ONLY machines offering NFT clients can really be OPENed for NFT file transfers. You can request OPENs of other hosts (such as FIS) without receiving any immediate error message, and even with a successful reset of the STATUS report (see example below). But attempts to actually change directories, move files, etc., will fail, yielding "invalid source" or "invalid sink" messages.

OPEN exists to supplement NFT's native host-specifying colon syntax and to somewhat mimic the behavior of FTP. Open lets you use PUT and GET (but not the other "storage-defaulted" commands) with remote hosts other than the LC storage system (because OPEN resets NFT's default remote host). Unlike FTP, however, NFT lets you use subsequent OPENs to repeatedly reset the current remote host without requiring a paired CLOSE after each OPEN.


Using OPEN lets you

  1. Change NFT's remote host from STORAGE to ATLAS,
  1. Confirm the change with STATUS, and
  1. Successfully transfer a file to ATLAS with PUT, which is reserved for storage-only use if you omit the preceding OPEN. But note that you can also
  1. Apparently change remote hosts to FIS, and
  1. Apparently confirm that change with STATUS even though
  1. All actual file-transfer attempts fail with an error message (because FIS is not a host known to the NFT server).
  1. CLOSE restores NFT's remote host to STORAGE.
nft>open atlas ---(1)
nft>status ---(2)
  connected to atlas as jfk...
nft>put test3 /usr/tmp/test3a ---(3)
  1.0 95 bytes sent in 0.1 seconds
  (0.7 Kbytes/s) from /g/g0/jfk/test3
  to /usr/tmp/test3a
nft>open fis ---(4)
nft>status ---(5)
  connected to fis as jfk...
nft>put test3 ---(6)
  2.0 error Invalid host
  specified. ~/test3
nft>close ---(7)
  connected to storage as jfk...

PUT (Store Local Files)


put [-dpPR] sourcepath [sinkpath]

put [-dpPR] {file1,file2,...} [{filex,filey,...}]


(Storage defaulted) transfers (copies) the file specified by sourcepath from the local machine (where you are running your NFT client) into the file specified by sinkpath on the LC STORAGE system. Alternatively, PUT transfers (copies) each file in the ordered list {file1,file2...} on the local machine into the corresponding file in the second ordered list {filex,filey...} on the STORAGE system (each file list must have the same number of members). If you precede PUT with an OPEN command, you can also deliver files to a specified host other than STORAGE. Here


and sinkpath are standard UNIX path names. You can use standard UNIX file filters in sourcepath (to transfer many files with one command) if sinkpath is a directory. File filters are never allowed in sinkpath itself. If sourcepath is just a simple file name, omitting sinkpath causes NFT to put the stored file into the current STORAGE working directory (which you can specify with CD). If sourcepath is a longer path name, then omitting sinkpath causes NFT to try to duplicate sourcepath on the STORAGE system, but if the appropriate subdirectories do not already exist the transfer fails with an error.


and filex,filey,... must be surrounded by the braces {} shown above. If both lists are present they must have an equal number of members and no file filters. If you omit the second list you can include file filters among the entries in the first.


Unlike NFT's CP (copy) command and FTP's general PUT command, NFT's PUT transfers files by default only from the local (client) machine and only to the STORAGE system. Hence, no host-specifying prefixes are allowed when you use PUT, and third-party PUTs between remote machines are not supported. You can, however, use OPEN to reset NFT's remote host and then PUT files to a nonSTORAGE target machine.

PUT always transfers files using FTP binary mode (you must run FTP itself, not NFT, for ASCII-mode file transfers). By default, NFT does NOT overwrite existing files with incoming files of the same name (NOCLOBBER), but you can enable overwrites with the CLOBBER command. PUT commands that include file filters, to transfer many files at once, are always processed asynchronously (subordinate jobs run in parallel, in any order) regardless of your current SYNC/ASYNC setting, so never use filters with PUT if arrival order is crucial.

Use CP (copy) for all general file transfers with NFT, and use GET (transfer from STORAGE) to move files in the opposite direction from PUT.



destroys the source file (on the local machine) after transfer to the STORAGE system is successful.


specifies that directories in the sink path are to be created if they don't exist.


preserves the mode and group attributes on files transferred.


recursively transfers (copies) files in subdirectories if sourcepath is a directory. NFT ignores soft links to subdirectories.


To store local file t1 into a file called t2 in the current STORAGE working directory, use this command:

nft>put t1 t2
  4.0. 95 bytes sent in 1.0 seconds
  (0.1 Kbytes.s) from /g/g0/jfk/t1 to ~/t2
  1 entry copied /g/g0/jfk/t1


  1. If you want to PUT a large TAR-format archive file into storage but don't have the space (or time) to build it first on your local machine, use HTAR instead of NFT.
  2. Because a common PUT error is to omit CLOBBER if you wish to overwrite a stored file, NFT now explicitly distinguishes between "no clobber failures" and other failures when it reports user errors.

PWD (Print Working Directory)


pwd [-a] | [host]


Prints (reports the name of) the current working directory on the specified host, where host is the NFT host-specifying prefix that defaults to the STORAGE (not current client) machine. If you precede PWD with an OPEN command, then host defaults to the machine that OPEN specified.

So by default PWD used with no arguments reports your current STORAGE directory. Use CD to change directories generally, CDUP to move one directory level up, and LCD to change local (client-machine) directories. These commands are somewhat redundant, so that the following are exactly equivalent, and all require using NFT's own prefix syntax for hosts.

CD :..
LCD ..


If you specify a nonexistent directory with CD or LCD, then subsequent use of PWD will report that nonexistent directory with no complaint, even though attempts to use DIR or actual file-transfer commands will fail. You must specify a real location with another CD or LCD command to overcome this error.



reports the current working directory on both the local (NFT-client) and the STORAGE machines. This replaces a host specification.


Remember that PWD reports on the STORAGE machine by default.

R/Us: nft> pwd
Rtne: remote wd is ~/nfttest [on STORAGE]
R/Us: nft> pwd :
Rtne: local wd is /g/g0/jfk/stuff [on client machine]
R/Us-a nft> pwd -a
Rtne: local wd is /g/g0/jfk/stuff
      remote wd is ~/nfttest

QUIT (Terminate NFT Client)




Terminates your current interactive NFT client and closes any open log file, but does NOT stop your previously submitted file-transfer jobs from continuing to execute. Indeed, job persistence even after your client ends is an NFT safety feature. To wait until all jobs complete before QUITing, use the combination command BLOCK;QUIT.

To discover if any incomplete file-transfer jobs remain, even from previous NFT runs, use NFT's RPT command. To terminate specific file-transfer jobs (as opposed to terminating the client that submits them), use NFT's ABT (abort) command.

RENAME (Change File Name)


ren[ame] [-p] [host]sourcepath [host]sinkpath

ren[ame] [-p] [host]{file1,file2,...} [host]{filex,filey,...}


Renames the file specified by sourcepath to the name specified by sinkpath. Alternatively, RENAME changes the name of each file in the ordered list {file1,file2...} into the corresponding file name in the second ordered list {filex,filey...} (each file list must have the same number of members). Here


is the NFT host-specifying prefix that defaults to the STORAGE (not current client) machine. For RENAME (unlike CP), if you use a host prefix, it must be the SAME for both sourcepath and sinkpath. You can thus rename files on any single remote machine, but you cannot rename files "across machines." Use CP to move files between machines and simultaneously change their names.


and sinkpath are standard UNIX path names that default to the current working directory (specified by CD). Because of the obvious ambiguity that would result, you cannot use file filters.


and filex,filey,... must be surrounded by the braces {} shown above, and both lists must have an equal number of members and no file filters.

Some FTP daemons do not support renaming directories. To actually transfer files between machines, use NFT's CP (copy), GET (from storage), or PUT (to storage) commands instead of RENAME. To confirm name changes, use DIR. RENAME takes no options and reports (only) the old name of each file it changes.



specifies that directories in the sink path are to be created if they don't exist.


To RENAME file test7 to test8 on the local (client) machine, use the syntax shown here:

nft>rename :test7 :test8
11.0 1 entry renamed /usr/tmp/test7

RMDIR (Remove Directories)


rmdir [-R] [host]pathname

rmdir [-R] [host]{dir1,dir2,...}


Removes the (empty) directory specified by pathname from the specified host. Alternatively, RMDIR removes each (empty) directory in the ordered list {dir1,dir2...} from the specified host. Here


is the NFT host-specifying prefix that defaults to the STORAGE (not current client) machine. If you precede RMDIR with an OPEN command, then host defaults to the machine that OPEN specified.


is a standard UNIX path name that ends in a directory, often a child of the current working directory (specified by CD). To delete many directories with one command, use a standard UNIX file filter at the end of pathname.


must be surrounded by the braces {} shown above. File filters are allowed in any list member.

Remember that by default, removals occur among your storage directories, not your local directories (on the client machine), which you must overtly specify with the colon (:) prefix. To delete files instead of directories, use DELETE instead of RMDIR. NFT's DIR command lists your files and directories.



(uppercase are) recursively deletes the files and subdirectories in a directory before deleting the directory itself. Without -R, you must empty each directory before you can remove it with RMDIR. (The DELETE and RMDIR commands are equivalent when you invoke the -R option.) NFT ignores soft links to subdirectories.

ROUTING (Use Login Node Jumbo Frames)




Performs file transfers (to or from storage) on login nodes with jumbo-frame network connections when available (on by default).

On many LC production machines, the login nodes have jumbo-frame network connections to storage, enabling large data blocks to transfer more quickly than with standard, smaller frames. Compute nodes lack these jumbo-frame connections because of their higher cost. When appropriate, NFT now routes file-transfer requests (to or from storage) from their originating compute nodes to the login nodes on the same cluster to take advantage of available faster jumbo-frame transfer rates.

NFT routes storage transfers (as explained above) by default. Use NOROUTING to disable automatic routing (perhaps for timing or other tests). Use CHKROUTING to see if routing is currently enabled or disabled (or otherwise not available) between a specified pathname and storage. STATUS also reveals whether routing is on (yes) or off (no). Routing will not speed NFT transfers between file systems one of which is not storage (between different parallel file systems, for example). Also, routing seldom benefits file transfers to or from regular NFS-mounted file systems (such as the common home directories). Routing primarily speeds transfers between storage and Lustre parallel file systems (either direction) on Linux/CHAOS clusters.


Routing is on by default, but you can restore it with the ROUTING command if needed.

R/Us: nft> routing
R/Us: nft> status
Rtne: Connected to storage as jfk.
      . . .
      Routing: yes

RPT (Report Job Status)


rpt [[n[-m]] | [-opt]]


Reports the current status of your most recent NFT request ("job") by default, or the status of the specific job with unique job number n (an integer), or the range of jobs with numbers n-m inclusive (using a hyphen, not a comma, as separator), or all members of the job class specified by any one job-class option opt listed below.

Besides the job number(s) or job class you select, three other factors are relevant to the scope of RPT status reports:

Record persistence

The NFT server remembers your jobs, their numbers, and their status for up to 4 days before purging its records. So frequent NFT users will get reports on all members of a job class throughout this time range, not just on the jobs started with their currently running NFT client. If this is a problem, use CLR to overtly delete the old(er) records that are no longer of interest.


Most NFT uses have only one NFT session, and RPT reports on the jobs (job class members) in that session. If you start multiple sessions, RPT reports only on the jobs in your currently selected session, ignoring all your jobs in other sessions. This can give you more control of your status reports or lead to confusion, depending on your awareness of the sessions you have started. For details on the effect of multiple sessions, see the NFT Sessions section.


The NFT VERBOSE command lets you specify which state changes NFT reports interactively as it runs (e.g., when jobs begin as well as when they end). VERBOSE does NOT, however, affect which jobs (or job class members) NFT includes in RPT status reports, nor the amount of detail provided on each job's status line. Thus VERBOSE does not change RPT's scope at all, although it does change general NFT dialog. See the -v option below for a different way to add detail to each line that RPT reports.

ABT (abort) and CLR (clear) are NFT commands closely related to RPT. The NFT STATUS command reports on your environment-variable settings, not on your file-transfer jobs.


RPT accepts many job-class options opt to specify which set of your NFT jobs you want reported. But RPT expects you to use these options one at a time: combined options (such as -ek or -ke) yield incomplete status reports or sometimes return just the warning message

job class? choose from -aichxoek. command rejected.

Possible stand-alone job classes on which you can request reports include:


all jobs that NFT remembers, regardless of state. [If you use multiple NFT sessions, a rare practice, then -a selects only jobs in the current session, NOT in all the sessions that you have created, and the other job-class options behave likewise.]


incomplete jobs, waiting to run or not finished running.


held jobs, incomplete jobs in the scheduling queue.


active jobs, incomplete jobs currently running.


complete jobs, that have successfully or unsuccessfully completed running.


okay jobs, those that have successfully completed running.


error jobs, that have unsuccessfully completed running.


aborted jobs, those that were terminated by the user with ABT.


output that has the same scope as other RPT reports but with more detail on each line (adds


A typical annotated example of output from RPT, with the format of each line explained, appears in part of the Job Reporting with RPT section.

SESSION (Change NFT Sessions)


session nn | new


Closes your former NFT session (session 0 is the default) and opens a new one, in which the new session number nn is associated with all your subsequent NFT commands. NFT numbers the jobs in each session with an increasing sequence of integers that ignores all other sessions (so, e.g., each session may have an unrelated job numbered 13).

You can reopen a former session by using its session number in this same command (e.g., SESSION 0 reopens that session and closes session 1 if issued while you are in session 1). Reopening a session lets you check on its jobs with RPT or start more jobs associated with it. Here


is an integer from 0 through 99 inclusive that uniquely identifies your session.


causes NFT to choose an unique, unused session number for you, open that session, and report the identifier chosen. Because NFT remembers your session numbers for up to 4 days and because picking a session number already in use reopens that session rather than creates a new one, you may sometimes want NFT to open a new session by automatically picking a number for it that is guaranteed to be unused. To guarantee a fresh session number, use

session new

NFT gives no overt confirmation when you close one session and open another (just the usual prompt for input). And RPT status reports do not reveal which session they cover. So to discover which session is now open (or to confirm a requested change of session) use NFT's STATUS command, which reports the current session number along with other NFT environment settings.

See the Sessions section above for a complete analysis of the implications of using multiple NFT sessions, especially if combined with multiple NFT clients or in batch jobs.

SETCOS (Change Storage Class of Service)


setcos nnn


Sets your class of service (COS) for files subsequently transferred to storage to nnn. See the SETCOS discussion in LC's HPSS Reference Manual for allowed values of nnn.

You can check the current COS setting for your NFT session with STATUS. STATUS dutifully reports any integer nnn that you supply with SETCOS, even if not allowed by HPSS. And when STATUS reports a COS of 0 (zero), HPSS automatically sets each stored file's COS based on its size according to the default behavior.

You can discover the COS with which already stored files have been stored by using NFT's DIR command with the -h option (COS then appears in the third column in DIR's report). See also the detailed class of service discussion in LC's HPSS User Guide.


STATUS here reveals the change (from the default situation) after you use SETCOS.

R/Us: nft> status
Rtne: Connected to storage as jfk.
      . . .
      Cos: 0
R/Us: nft> setcos 120
R/Us: nft> status
Rtne: Connected to storage as jfk.
      . . .
      Cos: 120

SOURCE (Use Command File)


source pathname


Reads and executes all the NFT commands contained in the text file located at path name, where


is usually just the name of a file (e.g., extracoms) that you want NFT to read from the current working directory on the machine where you are running the NFT client. If you supply an absolute path name (such as ~/projects/extracoms or /usr/tmp/testdir5/input) then NFT uses that location instead.

When you use SOURCE NFT's normal response messages continue to appear at your terminal while the commands in the file execute. (Note that the SOURCEd commands themselves do NOT echo at the terminal: thus PUT test3 will NOT appear but NFT's response when test3 is stored will appear. This can make some responses hard to interpret.)

Usually the commands in a SOURCE file are just what you might type at your terminal, one per line. But you can construct condensed, annotated command files by using # as a comment sentinel, semicolon as a command separator, and backslash (\) as a line-continuation flag (example below).

You can achieve an effect rather similar to using SOURCE by instead using file redirection on NFT's execute line when you first start your NFT client, but neither the commands in the input file nor responses that arrive after your client ends will echo at your terminal with this alternative approach.

SOURCE takes no options and there is no default input file.


This example shows a simple 3-line command file for use with SOURCE, and a version altered (in appearance but not effect) using three sentinel characters mentioned above. These are equivalent command files for use with SOURCE.

put test4
get test6

#shows special characters
clobber;put test4;get tes\

STATUS (Report Environment Variables)




Reports a list of the current values of NFT's environment variables, including the current session number and apparent security level. Most of the commands that toggle the values of these variables do not report the result of their own action, so using STATUS is the best way to confirm changes you have made.

If you need information on the status of file transfers you have requested, use NFT's RPT command rather than STATUS.


Here is a typical NFT response to a STATUS command.

R/Us: nft> status
Rtne: Connected to storage as jfk.
      Session: 0.
      Verbose: 76 (decimal), 4c (hexadecimal).
      Clobber: no.
      Routing: yes.
      Cos: 0.
      Dualcopy: no.
      Job Execution mode: Synchronous.
      Group construct: closed.
      Input from: standard-in.
      Output to standard-out: yes.
      Output to log file: no.

SYNC (Run Jobs in Series)




Begins synchronous mode. Because SYNC is the default setting whenever you run NFT, the SYNC command serves chiefly to cancel a previous ASYNC command. In SYNC mode, NFT executes all your subsequent commands (jobs) strictly in series, always preserving the order in which you submitted them (with three exceptions).

NFT supports these three exceptions to or exemptions from SYNC mode:

  • Multiple-file transfers using GET or PUT.
  • Command sets flanked by GROUP and ENDGR.
  • Commands following ASYNC.

See the Synchronous and Asynchronous Command Modes section above for a comparative analysis of these SYNC exceptions.

The ASYNC, GROUP, and BLOCK commands can all be used to influence how NFT sequences its jobs. SYNC has no options and returns no mode confirmation, but you can use NFT's STATUS command at any time to discover your current SYNC/ASYNC setting, which persists even across logical NFT sessions.

TERM (Enable Terminal Output)




Causes NFT to display at your terminal output from its executed commands, as well as its interactive prompt nft> for more input. TERM is NFT's default behavior, so you would normally need to use the overt TERM command only to reverse your previous use of the NOTERM command, which disables terminal output.

TERM and NOTERM are mutually exclusive alternative settings for an NFT environment variable that preserves your choice of behavior until you overtly change it (or terminate your NFT client). Only by using separate NFT clients (not multiple sessions with one client) can you have two sets of environment variable settings for two sets of NFT jobs at once. See the NFT Sessions section for details.

TERM takes no options and returns no confirmation message, but its use restores the interactive nft> prompts that are absent after NOTERM.

TIME (Report Current Time)




Reports the current system time (day, date, hour, minutes, seconds) on the machine where you are running the NFT client.

VERBOSE (Control State-Change Reports)


verbose mask


Specifies which changes of state for each file-transfer job NFT will report to you, where


is a 32-bit mask each of whose bits toggles the reporting of one kind of state change. The mask's default value is decimal 76. To set the bits, see the table below.

NFT jobs pass through several states from submittal to completion, and you can control how finely NFT reports on these changes of state by using its VERBOSE option. By default, NFT passes along transfer statistics from the FTP daemon that actually moves files at NFT's request, as well as sending error and abort diagnostic messages if a job completes unsuccessfully. But there are other state changes too, and you can request messages about any or all of them by using the appropriate argument for VERBOSE. (VERBOSE does not change the detail level covered in status reports from RPT, nor the environment-variable setting reports from STATUS. See instead RPT's -v option.)

Each possible state change for an NFT job corresponds to one bit in a (32-bit) mask that VERBOSE sets. You request diagnostic messages about a state change by setting its bit in the mask, and you set each bit by using the decimal value shown in the table below. To request a combination of reports, ADD the corresponding decimal values and use the sum as the argument for VERBOSE (for example, the default combination of diagnostic messages corresponds to the sum 4+8+64=76).

State Change

Decimal Value

Diagnostic Meaning



Client has submitted job



Job has completed successfully

Error *


Job has failed (unsuccessfully completed)

Abort *


Job was killed by user



Job was received by server




FTP transfer amount and rate

stats *





Server has started job execution

Progress errors


Immediately reports in-progress errors in secondary jobs


* Default verbosity (combination 76)

VERBOSE does not confirm your requests for different state-change reporting, so you must use NFT's STATUS command to verify the current NFT verbosity setting.


To see how changing the VERBOSE value changes the grain size of state-change reports during NFT dialogs, compare this default-value exchange (VERBOSE 76)

User: get test4
Rtne: 14.0. 95 bytes received in 1.3 seconds (0.1 Kbytes/s)
      from ~/test4 to /tmp/jfk/test4
      14.0. 1 entry copied ~/test4

with this maximum-value exchange for the same job (VERBOSE 479):

User: get test4
Rtne: 14.0. accept.
      14.0. begin ~/test4
      14.0. start ~/test4
      14.0. 95 bytes received in 1.3 seconds (0.1 Kbytes/s)
      from ~/test4 to /tmp/jfk/test4
      14.0. 1 entry copied ~/test4
      14.0. done. /tmp/jfk/test4