Quick Start Guide: Hopper and FIS
NOTE These instructions assume:
- Your LC Account is provisioned to use FIS through LC Support and your LC Computer Coordinator has signed a FIS form;
- You have the appropriate Classified Access Subplans approved in CAAS;
- You have a working RSA PIN+Token code for each network; and,
- You have the current version of Hopper on each network.
What you need to know in order to use Hopper and connect to one of the FIS servers
- What is your LC Username? (This can be your OUN or something different)
- OCF (CZ and RZ) network uses: your LC Username
- SCF (iSRD) network uses: your LC Username
- SNSI network uses: your OUN
- Which Unclassified access do you have, CZ or RZ?
- What network are you transferring data => TO: SCF (iSRD) or SNSI?
Getting Started
NOTE These examples are using a Windows Desktop version, but the process is the same.
Launch Hopper
This window will appear, we will call it Window #1.

NOTE You cannot drag files from your desktop to the TO folder: you should only drag files between this Hopper window and the TO Folder window.
Moving Files
Choose the directions that apply to your situation
- Retrieving files on the classified network
OCF CZ (Unclassified) to SCF (iSRD)
1. Using the Connect Menu dropdown, go to: Connect / Connect to Fastfis (Fis)…

2. The following dialog will pop up:

3. In the dialog, enter in the following
- Host: fastfis (and skip the Port: it should remain blank)
- User: Your LC Username
- Protocol: SFTP
4. Click the Connect button
5. This dialog will appear:

6. Enter in your 8-character alphanumeric PIN and 6-digit Token code; For a total of 14 characters, no spaces
7. Click OK button

8. A new Hopper Window will pop up. We'll call this Window #2.
- Window #2 displays your “TO” folder
9. Drag and drop from Window #1 to the TO folder in Window #2 to move files to the SCF (iSRD) Network.
NOTE You cannot drag files from your desktop to the TO folder: you can only drag files between Hopper windows.
OCF RZ (Unclassified) to SCF (iSRD)
Note: You must initiate these steps from another LC system (rzslic.llnl.gov)
1. Using the Connect Menu dropdown go to: Connect / Connect to Rzfastfis (Rzfis)…

2. This dialog will pop up:

3. In the dialog, enter in the following
- Host: rzfastfis (and skip the Port: it should remain blank)
- User: Your LC Username
- Protocol: SFTP
4. Click the Connect button
5. This dialog will appear:

6. Enter in your 8-character alphanumeric PIN and 6-digit Token code; For a total of 14 characters, no spaces
7. Click OK button
8. A new Hopper Window will pop up. We'll call this Window #2.
- Window #2 displays your “TO” folder
9. Drag and drop from Window #1 to the TO folder in Window #2 to move files to the SCF (iSRD) Network.
NOTE You cannot drag files from your desktop to the TO folder: you can only drag files between Hopper windows.
OCF CZ (Unclassified) to iSNSI
1. Using the Connect Menu dropdown, go to: Connect / Connect to Snsifis…

2.This dialog will appear:

3. In the dialog, enter in the following
- Host: snsifis (and skip the Port: it should remain blank)
- User: Your LC Username
- Protocol: SFTP
4. Click the Connect button
5. This dialog will appear:

6. Enter in your 8-character alphanumeric PIN and 6-digit Token code; For a total of 14 characters, no spaces
7. Click OK button

8. A new Hopper Window will pop up. We'll call this Window #2.
- Window #2 displays your “TO” folder
9. Drag and drop from Window #1 to the TO folder in Window #2 to move files to the iSNSI Network.
NOTE You cannot drag files from your desktop to the TO folder: you can only drag files between Hopper windows.
OCF RZ (Unclassified) to iSNSI
Note: You must initiate these steps from another LC system (rzslic.llnl.gov)
1. Using the Connect Menu dropdown go to: Connect / Connect to Rzsnsifis…

2. This dialog will appear:

3. In the dialog, enter in the following
- Host: rzsnsifis (and skip the Port: it should remain blank)
- User: Your LC Username
- Protocol: SFTP
4. Click the Connect button
5. This dialog will appear:

6. Enter in your 8-character alphanumeric PIN and 6-digit Token code; For a total of 14 characters, no spaces
7. Click OK button

8. A new Hopper Window will pop up. We'll call this Window #2.
- Window #2 displays your “TO” folder
9. Drag and drop from Window #1 to the TO folder in Window #2 to move files to the iSNSI Network.
NOTE You cannot drag files from your desktop to the TO folder: you can only drag files between Hopper windows.
Retrieving your file from the Classified (iSNSI or iSRD) network
After about 10 minutes or so, your files should be ready to retrieve on the classified network. The steps for retrieving your file are very much like for sending them, with these differences:
1. Running Hopper on the classified network, use the Connect Menu dropdown and select: Connect / Connect to FIS -> Fastfis…
2. In the password prompt dialog, enter in your 8-character alphanumeric PIN and 6-digit Token code, for a total of 14 characters, no spaces. Be sure to use your classified network PIN, which should be different than your open side PIN.
3. In the resulting "fastfis" Hopper window, navigate into the "FROM" directory to see the file(s) you sent. If the files are not there, wait a few more minutes and refresh the display to see if they have arrived. Repeat as necessary.
4. To retrieve the files, drag them from the fastfis Hopper window to your original Hopper window.
NOTE You cannot drag files from your desktop to the TO folder: you can only drag files between Hopper windows.