
What: LC User Meeting

When: March 13, 2025, 10:00 AM–11:30 AM PST

Where: Onsite only, B132 R1000/Auditorium (no Webex available, in-person only)

Description: As a forum to share information and important announcements, the Livermore Computing (LC) users meetings are scheduled routinely to get feedback and, most importantly, to hear from users about how the machines are used and what LC can do to accommodate their needs. 

NOTE All presentations will be reviewed and released to put in our User Meeting Archive

NOTE Green bold text indicates new information since original publication date


Time Speaker Topic
10–10:15 Ryan Day Flux Resource Manager on LC
10:15–10:30 Otto Venezuela LlamaMe, and LC LivChat-like AI/ML model at LC
10:30–10:45 John Consolati GitLab Duo AI/ML
10:45–11:00 Dave Fox LC NAS file systems update
11:00–11:15 Scott Futral El Capitan and Tuolumne update
11:15–11:30 Jane Herriman WEAVE (Workflow Enablement and Advanced Environments) at LC and badging

All times are approximate. 

Additional Information

Please share how you are utilizing LC resources at a future LC Users Meeting. Contact Tim Fahey (, 925-422-4228) to schedule your presentation