Due to different security concerns, LC's compute center is divided into a number of differing zones and facilities. Here is a general hierarchy:
- Green Collaboration Environment (NOTENot part of the Enclave, but a way to connect with external collaborators)
- OCF (open compute facility)
- CZ (collaboration zone)
- RZ (restricted zone)
- IZ (infrastructure zone)
- SCF (secure compute facility)
The CZ contains most of the OCF computing platforms and will continue to serve the majority of LLNL OCF users. The RZ contains a number of smaller systems serving a subset of the LC user community. The shared IZ contains resources shared by both the CZ and RZ such as OCF storage. The combination of these three "zones" is referred to as "The Enclave."
The SCF is considered an entirely separate compute facility and is physically isolated from OCF.
Accessing Zones
General information on accessing LC systems can be found here: https://hpc.llnl.gov/documentation/user-guides/accessing-lc-systems
Detailed information on accessing resources in the CZ and RZ can be found on this page: https://hpc.llnl.gov/hardware/zones-k-enclave/zone-access
What's Allowed on the CZ (Collaboration Zone)?
Information on the CZ must be:
- Unclassified
Information on the CZ can be:
- CUI, excluding UCNI
- Export Controlled
Information on the CZ must not be:
- Classified
What's Allowed on the RZ (Restricted Zone)?
Information on the RZ must be:
- Unclassified
Information on the RZ can be:
- Export Controlled
Information on the RZ must not be:
- Classified
What's Allowed in the SCF (Secure Compute Facility)?
The SCF is authorized for information up to a maximum of SECRET//RD, including Sigmas 15 and 18.
Where Can I Learn More about the Enclave?
For more information, see also: