The CZ (Collaboration Zone) contains most of the Open Computing Facility (OCF) computing platforms and will continue to serve the majority of LLNL OCF users. The RZ (Restricted Zone) contains a number of smaller systems serving a subset of the LC user community. The shared Infrastructure Zone (IZ) contains resources shared by both the CZ and RZ and include the Lustre file systems and OCF storage. The combination of these three "zones" is referred to as "The Enclave."

Accessing Zones

For information on access to and from various zones:

What's Allowed on the CZ (Collaboration Zone)?

Information on the CZ must be:

  • Unclassified

Information on the CZ can be:

  • CUI, excluding UCNI
  • Export Controlled

Information on the CZ must not be:

  • Classified
  • UCNI
  • NNPI

What's Allowed on the RZ (Restricted Zone)?

Information on the RZ must be:

  • Unclassified

Information on the RZ can be:

  • CUI
  • Export Controlled
  • UCNI
  • NNPI

Information on the RZ must not be:

  • Classified

Where Can I Learn More about the Enclave?

For more information, see also: