NOTE This is an unclassified form; please do not include any information that might be sensitive or classified.

ALL fields on this form are required. Click on the "Submit" button to send this information for approval and scheduling consideration. The browser will open a new window with confirmation that your request was sent. You should also receive an e-mail copy of your request. If you do not get the confirmation window, please contact the LC Hotline for assistance.

Indicates required field
ALL fields on this form are required. Click on the "Submit" button to send this information for approval and scheduling consideration. The browser will open a new window with confirmation that your request was sent. You should also receive an e-mail copy of your request. If you do not get the confirmation window, please contact the LC Hotline for assistance.
NOTE: We will let you know when we receive a form from you. If you have not heard from us after three days, please contact Greg Tomaschke (phone: 925-423-0561, e-mail: or Ryan Day (
PI Information
Please use complete address (e.g.,
User Information
If dual citizenship, separate with comma.
    Please enter your name, division or department, e-mail address, and phone number below:
LDRD Information
LDRD Category
Please enter 'N/A' if you do not have a number yet.
Select a designator (e.g., 'atmospheric turbulence').
Is this your first time submitting for this LDRD year?
Machine Information

Select the machine(s) you wish to access. Once selected, you will have the ability to request hours (k-hours), below.

k core-hrs/wk
up to 50k core hrs/wk
k core-hrs/wk
up to 50k core hrs/wk
k core-hrs/wk
up to 50k core hrs/wk
k core-hrs/wk
up to 50k core hrs/wk
Additional Information

Please provide justification for the amount of time requested, specify the workforce funding level, and send us a copy of your LDRD proposal, either soft or hard copy. Hard copy should be sent to Greg Tomaschke, L-557, soft copy to

NOTE: You may submit the justification with your LDRD proposal if you have problems inputting text in the field below.

To see more information about computing resources, click here.