All LLNL data placed onto the GDO must first be approved for general (unlimited) distribution. See below for directions.

Unclassified Controlled Information (UCI) is not allowed anywhere on the GDO system. UCI, formerly known as Sensitive Unclassified Information (SUI), is unclassified information requiring control with respect to handling, storage, distribution, etc.


Q. How do I review and release a large dataset? It is too large to upload into the IM system.

A. Follow the guidance outlined in the Administrative Dataset Review and Release document. Science and Technical Information (STI) Datasets go through the eSoftware (ESW) System. More information about this process can be found in this ServiceNow Knowledge Base article.

Q. The data I want to share originates from collaborators offsite—e.g., at a university or research lab. If my external collaborators give me the data, and I in turn make that data available to others, do I need to do an R&R?

A. If the data came from others and was not funded in any part by the lab, it does not need to be reviewed. Note, however, that external data on the GDO must bear no legal responsibility for the Lab to protect it. It will be the project's responsibility to assure that the data has no associated legal implications.

Q. I heard about “blanket” R&R agreements that cover all data generated by a certain code or project. Is that still available?

A. No. As of October 2003 the lab no longer does blanket reviews. Use the approach outlined above for reviewing data from simulations or experiments.