On Thursday morning at 10:00AM 2/13 LC will be unmounting the following directories from the CZ, RZ and SCF VNC nodes:
/usr/gapps /usr/gdata /usr/global
For CZ, we will also unmount the following:
/collab/usr/gapps /collab/usr/gdata /collab/usr/global /usr/mic/bio /usr/mic/cage
For RZ, we will also unmount the following:
/collab/usr/gapps /collab/usr/gdata /collab/usr/global /usr/dnta /usr/mic/bdiv
For SCF, we will also unmount the following:
/usr/gapps2 /usr/dnta /usr/dntb /usr/gapps_uk /nif/data
VNC nodes are not designed or intended to be used for computationally intensive work. To prevent this we will be unmounting the directories on Thursday. This will still allow users to run gui-based software such as VisIt. It will just require an extra step of logging onto a cluster.
1. Log onto vncviewer
2. Open up a terminal
3. ssh to a cluster such as quartz, rztopaz, or jade
4. Run visit (remember that you need to run “visit -v 3.1”)
TIP if you don’t like the font/size of your vnc window, open up a terminal and type “xrandr -s #” – where # is any single digit number from 1-9. This changes the font and the screen.