Livermore Computing (LC) will be conducting facility power work, which will affect OCF systems:

July 29 4 PM All* Open Computing Facility (OCF) production systems taken off-line and powered down. Running jobs will be canceled, but queued jobs should not be lost.
July 31 6 PM Most OCF production clusters and services restored and available.
Aug 1 Noon RZuSeq will return to production.

Visual representation of power outage timeline provided in chart above.

The power outages will impact the following LC services and resources:

  • All Collaboration Zone (CZ) and Restricted Zone (RZ) OCF production systems unavailable
  • CZ and RZ High Performance Storage System (HPSS) archival storage will be unavailable
  • CA and RZ Atlassian Tool Suites will be unavailable (e.g., Confluence, Jira, Stash)

The following LC services and resources will not be impacted by the power outages:

  • *Vulcan and lscratchv
  • All Secure Computing Facility resources and production systems
  • The green network resources: Green Data Oasis

PDF of TB509 for download and distribution.