
Bulletin Number Date Title
579 March 13, 2025 User Meeting Agenda
578 System threads on CTS-2 clusters
577 Change to HPSS User Home Directories
576 GitLab AI Features in Early Access
575 Using Containers in LC
574 General Availability Release of CDash in CZ/RZ/SCF
573 FIS Key Change
572 FY25 HPSS Yearly Quotas
571 Upcoming Changes to CI/CD Job Token Scope
570 New "Guidelines for External Data Transfers" Page Published
569 Deprecation of Single JupyterHub Instance in Favor of Orbit
568 Upcoming Requirement to use id_tokens in GitLab CI/CD Jobs
567 Limited Availability Release of CDash in CZ/RZ
566 LaunchIT + S3 in the SCF
565 LaunchIT Update v2.1.1
564 Upcoming Changes to VNC servers
563 Major Changes Coming Soon to Identity Management (IDM) in LC
562 FY24 HPSS Yearly Quotas
561 Crossroads Roadshow October 4th
560 June 29, 2023 LC User Meeting Agenda
559 Upcoming Changes to GitLab CI on Flux Clusters
558 Remote Computing Enablement Cross-site CI
557 New CZ Archival Storage Access
556 Python Package Configuration Changes
555  LC Transition to RSA SSH Keys
554 Tri-Lab Authentication Changes
553 x86_64 Platforms Transitioning to TOSS 4
552 Web Authentication Changes
551 LaunchIT 2.0 Update
550 Launching LaunchIT onto the SCF
549 FY23 HPSS Yearly Quotas
548 9/8/2022 LC Virtual User Meeting
547 July 26, 2022 LC Virtual User Meeting
546 Launching LaunchIT in the CZ and RZ
545 Lassen /p/gpfs1 Quotas
544 Web Services Update, November 2021
543 FY22 HPSS Yearly Growth Quotas
542 CZapps and RZapps Servers


Bulletin Number Date Title
541 December 13, 2020
Connecting to RZFastFIS from Offsite
540 November 13, 2020 12/08/20 LC User Meeting
539 October 15, 2020 FY21 HPSS Yearly Quotas NOTE This Technical Bulletin supersedes Technical Bulletin #534
538 July 14, 2020 VAST File System
537 March 17, 2020 Contacting LC Hotline During "Minimum Safe" Operations
536 February 12, 2020 Unmounting Directories from VNC Nodes


Bulletin Number Date Title
535 November 14, 2019 11/14/2019 LC User Meeting Agenda
534 September 30, 2019 FY20 HPSS Yearly Growth Quotas DEPRECATED This Technical Bulletin is superseded by Technical Bulletin #539
533 September 28, 2019 Sequoia, Grove, and Max Retirement
532 September 25, 2019 OCF Power Outage
531 September 17, 2019 Direct Access to LC RZ Systems Now Available as RZ Gateway Access No Longer Required
530 April 18, 2019 Storing Dual-Copy Files in LC Archival Storage Systems NOTE This Technical Bulletin supersedes Technical Bulletin #435
529 March 20, 2019 3-28-19 LC User Meeting Agenda


Bulletin Number Date Title
528 December 5, 2018 Retirement of /nfs/tmp2
527 November 6, 2018 /usr/workspace File System Migration
526 October 3, 2018 FY 19 HPSS Yearly Growth Quotas NOTE This Technical Bulletin supersedes Technical Bulletin #521
525 August 21, 2018 8/21/18 LC Users Meeting
524 July 10, 2018 UNIX World Permissions on LC File Systems: NOTE This Technical Bulletin supersedes Technical Bulletin #471
523 May 10, 2018 Lustre Parallel File System Purge Policy Update: NOTE This Technical Bulletin supersedes the purge policy in Technical Bulletins #351, #411, and #492.
522 February 19, 2018 LC Lustre File System Retirement Schedule
521 January 25, 2018 HPSS Yearly Growth Quotas DEPRECATED This Technical Bulletin is superseded by Technical Bulletin #526
520 January 23, 2018 2/8/18 LC Users Meeting

2017 and earlier

Bulletin Number Date Title
519 July 7, 2017 HTAR Updates
518 June 4, 2017 Moab to Slurm Replacement Schedule
517 March 20, 2017 /g home directory migration
516 February 21, 2017 SSH required for EN Bitbucket Access NOTE This bulletin has been superseded by Technical Bulletin 544 
515 January 19, 2017 SCF File System Relocations
514 January 19, 2017 Quartz and the /p/lscratchh file system
513 January 10, 2017 RZ Token & Login Behavior Change
Bulletin Number Date Title
512 November 10, 2016 B451 and B4525 Power Outage: UPDATE
511 October 5, 2016 HPSS Yearly Growth Quotas
510 August 28, 2016 Livermore Computing Users Meeting
509 (revised) July 25, 2016 LC Facility Power Work
508 May 10, 2016 B451 and B4525 Power Outages
507, rev May 10, 2016 CZ, RZ, and SCF /nfs/tmp File System Changes
507 April 27, 2016 CZ, RZ, and SCF /nfs/tmp File System Changes
506 February 27, 2016 Livermore Computing Users Meeting
505 February 17, 2016 New Project Workspaces
Bulletin Number Date Title
504 September 30, 2015 HPSS Yearly Growth Quotas
503, rev 2 September 25, 2015 B451 and B4525 Power Outages
503, rev 1 August 28, 2015 B451 and B4525 Power Outages
503 July 8, 2015 B451 and B4525 Power Outages
502 June 24, 2015 HPSS Quota Notification and Blocking
501 May 22, 2015 New HSI File Transfer Gateway
500 May 11, 2015 Improved Availability of SCF Lustre
499 March 25, 2015 LC Users Meeting Agenda
498 March 17, 2015 CZ /nfs/tmp File System Changes
497 January 23, 2015 HTAR Update
496 January 15, 2015 SNSI File Interchange Service Update—Revised February 4, 2015
Bulletin Number Date Title
495 October 9, 2014 B451 and B4525 Power Outage
494 September 16, 2014 OCF CZ and SCF Lustre File System Expansion
493 May 8, 2014 OCF RZ and SCF /nfs/tmp File System Changes - Revised May 14, 2014
492 April 14, 2014 DEPRECATED Lustre Parallel File System Purge Policy Update
491 February 20, 2014 lscratch Data Movement Recommendations
490 February 13, 2014 SCF Lustre Upgrade and Retirement Schedule
489 February 11, 2014 File Interchange Service Update
488 January 28, 2014 LC Customer Meeting Agenda
Bulletin Number Date Title
487 August 13, 2013 SCF Authentication Changes
486 July 9, 2013 Authentication Changes to RZ LC Web Server
485 June 27, 2013 SCF Storage Unavailable July 11-15
484 May 30, 2013 FastFIS Secure One-Way File Transfer - Revised August 28, 2013
483 April 30, 2013 TotalView Scalable Early Access Program
482 April 24, 2013 LC Customer Meeting Agenda
481 April 17, 2013 OCF Storage Unavailable May 3-6
480 March 19, 2013 TOSS 2.1 Release Notes
Bulletin Number Date Title
479 November 20, 2012 Transition to New SCF /usr File Systems
478 November 12, 2012 Livermore Computing Customer Meeting
477 October 16, 2012 Transition to New OCF /usr File Systems
476 October 8, 2012 MyLC Enhancements
475 August 28, 2012 Improved CRYPTOCard Features
474 April 20, 2012 CHAOS 5.0/TOSS 2.0 Release Notes
473 February 7, 2012 Livermore Computing Customer Meeting
Bulletin Number Date Title
472 November 7, 2011 Introducing MyLC: Making HPC Easier through the Web
471 October 20, 2011 DEPRECATED UNIX World Permissions on LC File Systems
470 October 7, 2011 Livermore Computing Customer Meeting
469 September 26, 2011 Using rzstage for File Transfers between Desktops and the RZ
468 August 10, 2011 Livermore Computing HPC Enclave Update
467 August 3, 2011 Restricted Zone Code Execution Requirements and Guidelines
466 May 26, 2011 Emergency Lustre Update
465 May 16, 2011 HPC Enclave
464 May 11, 2011 Livermore Computing Customer Meeting
463 April 15, 2011 Systems Unavailable during Power Outage in B451
462 March 3, 2011 SCF File System Transition/CHAOS 4.4-2 Upgrades - Revised March 21, 2011
461 January 19, 2011 Class Announcement: Introductory Python Programming Workshop
460 January 18, 2011 CHAOS 4.4/TOSS 1.4 Release Notes
Bulletin Number Date Title
459 December 16, 2010 Yearly HPSS Growth Quotas Activated on OCF and SCF - Revised October 3, 2014
458 November 23, 2010 Livermore Computing Customer Meeting
457 September 15, 2010 Class Announcement: Introductory Python Programming Workshop
456 September 8, 2010 Class Announcement: Dawn BlueGene/P Workshop
455 September 7, 2010 Livermore Computing Customer Meeting
454 July 12, 2010 Class Announcement: ASC Tri-Lab Code Development Tools Workshop
453 June 10, 2010 Zeus Retirement and Replacement
452 April 13, 2010 Class Announcement: Using LLNL's Supercomputers
451 April 12, 2010 CHAOS 4.3/TOSS 1.3 Release Notes
450 February 3, 2010 SCF /g Home Directory Transition
449 January 29, 2010 DEPRECATED LC Transitions to FrontRange ITSM Incident Tracking System
Bulletin Number Date Title
448 August 14, 2009 Triennial Power Outage, August 20-24 - Revised
447 July 30, 2009 CHAOS 4.2/TOSS 1.2 Release Notes - Revised
446 June 25, 2009 SCF Storage Down for HPSS Release 7.1 Conversion
445 February 18, 2009 Livermore Computing Customer Meeting
444 February 11, 2009 OCF Storage Down for HPSS Release 7.1 Conversion
443 February 2, 2009 IORUN and Storage Tools
442 January 15, 2009 OCF /g Home Directory Transition
Bulletin Number Date Title
441 December 18, 2008 Class Announcement (Using LLNL's Supercomputers)
440 November 21, 2008 CHAOS 4.1/TOSS 1.1 Release Notes
439 October 21, 2008 OCF and SCF /nfs/tmp File System Changes
438 October 16, 2008 Training Workshop (Parallel Performance Analysis with Open|SpeedShop)
437 October 8, 2008 Livermore Computing Customer Meeting
436 December 16, 2008 HSI: Hierarchical Storage Interface
435 August 11, 2008 DEPRECATED Storing Dual-Copy Files in LC Archival Storage Systems - Revised March 2, 2012
434 May 28, 2008 Livermore Computing Customer Meeting
433 April 14, 2008 Five Cool Things You Can Do With Hopper
432 April 4, 2008 CHAOS 4.0 Release Notes and Porting Guide
431 February 13, 2008 Class Announcement (Moab User Training)
Bulletin Number Date Title
430 October 16, 2007 SCF Domain Name Server (DNS) Changes
429 October 11, 2007 LC Customers Meeting
428 August 14, 2007 Power Outage Will Affect ALC, GDO, Ingot, and Pengra
427 August 7, 2007 Hopper 2.0 Release
426 June 19, 2007 CHAOS 3.3 Release Notes
425 June 6, 2007 Moab Migration
424 May 25, 2007 Class Announcements
423 May 9, 2007 BlueGene/L and Lustre Changes
422 April 2, 2007 NFT Update
421 March 28, 2007 CHAOS 3.2 Release Notes
420 February 1, 2007 Special Presentation: File System Problems and Plans
Bulletin Number Date Title
419 December 20, 2006 Class Announcement—Moab User Training
418 October 12, 2006 OCF and SCF /nfs/tmp1 Directory Transition
417 October 3, 2006 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
416 August 30, 2006 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
415 August 23, 2006 Class Announcement—Red Storm XT3 Workshop
414 August 17, 2006 BlueGene/L and Lilac File System /p/gb1 Recovery and Reformat
413 August 17, 2006 Ph Server to Be Updated on the Secure Computing Facility
412 August 15, 2006 SCF HPSS Downtime for Update to HPSS Release 6.2
411 July 26, 2006 DEPRECATEDRevised Lustre Parallel File System Purge Policy
410 July 21, 2006 SC, GPS, iLX Machines to Be Retired
409 June 28, 2006 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
408 June 20, 2006 Class Announcement—Using LLNL Supercomputers
407 June 9, 2006 Class Announcement—Using ASC Purple
406 May 31, 2006 SLURM 1.1.0 Release Notes
405 May 19, 2006 OCF Storage Down for HPSS Release 6.2 Conversion
404 April 14, 2006 Class Announcement—Using LLNL's Supercomputers
403 February 6, 2006 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
402 January 4, 2006 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
Bulletin Number Date Title
401 December 29, 2005 LCRM 6.14 Release Notes
400 December 1, 2005 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
399 November 11, 2005 SCF E-mail Server Upgrade and Downtime Notice
398 November 3, 2005 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
397 September 28, 2005 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
396 September 13, 2005 CHAOS 3.0 Release Notes - Revised October 25, 2005
395 September 2, 2005 LCRM 6.13 Release on the SCF
394 September 1, 2005 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
393 September 1, 2005 Classified Entrust Is Now Available on the Classified Laboratory Network
392 August 8, 2005 Hopper Q & A
391 August 3, 2005 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
390 July 29, 2005 Support for SSH Version 1 to be Discontinued
389 July 19, 2005 LCRM 6.13 Release Notes - Revised August 11, 2005
388 June 16, 2005 /nfs/tmp Directory Transition
387 June 7, 2005 Class Announcement—Using LLNL's Supercomputers
386 June 7, 2005 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
385 May 13, 2005 SC Node Retirement, Adelie and Emperor Retire, Tempest Cluster Available
384 May 2, 2005 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
383 April 22, 2005 Downtime for LC Systems and Services
382 April 5, 2005 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
381 March 17, 2005 Class Announcements—Using LLNL's Supercomputers; Using Thunder
380 March 8, 2005 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
379 February 9, 2005 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
378 February 1, 2005 LCRM 6.12 Release Notes
377 January 26, 2005 User Impact of LC Relocation to TSF
376 January 5, 2005 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
Bulletin Number Date Title
375 December 7, 2004 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
374 November 19, 2004 SCF /nfs/tmp Directory Transition
373 October 25, 2004 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
372 October 15, 2004 OCF Directory Transitions
371 October 5, 2004 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
370 October 4, 2004 S Machine Retirement October 12; UM Machine Generally Available October 5
369 September 14, 2004 Class: Using LLNL's Supercomputers
368 September 1, 2004 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
367 August 19, 2004 SCF Storage Down for HPSS Release 5.1 Conversion, September 17–20, 2004
366 August 5, 2004 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
365 August 2, 2004 Class: Using LANL's ASC Q System
364 July 12, 2004 Class: Advanced MPI
363 July 7, 2004 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
362 July 2, 2004 Blue, Frost, TC2K, and S Decommissioning Schedule
361 June 30, 2004 New Livermore Computing Printer Environment Overview
360 June 25, 2004 Hopper: A Graphical File Manager
359 June 23, 2004 OCF Storage Down for HPSS Release 5.1 Conversion—July 2–5, 2004
358 June 10, 2004 New Telephone System for the LC Hotline, LC Support, LC Operations, 4HELP, and Open LabNet
357 June 3, 2004 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
355 June 15, 2004 OTP Token Service on the SCF
354 May 28, 2004 Class: Using Livermore Computing Supercomputers
353 May 14, 2004 LCRM 6.11 Release Notes
352 May 5, 2004 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
351 April 5, 2004 DEPRECATED Linux Parallel File System Purge Policy
350 April 7, 2004 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
349 March 24, 2004 Class: Intel Advanced Compiler Techniques for the Itanium Processor, April 5-6, 2004
348 March 2, 2004 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
347 February 24, 2004 Class: Using LLNL's Supercomputers
346 February 24, 2004 Changes to SCF /nfs/tmp File Systems
345 February 3 , 2004 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
344 February 6, 2004 Triennial Power Outage, March 5–7
343 January 20, 2004 NFT Update
342 January 13, 2004 OCF Storage Not Available January 30 Noon–February 2 Noon
341 January 8, 2004 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
Bulletin Number Date Title
340 December 3, 2003 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
339 November 5, 2003 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
338 October 31, 2003 Class: Using Livermore Computing’s ASCI IBM SP and Linux/Compaq Cluster Systems
337 October 25, 2003 Changes to SCF /nfs/tmp File Systems
336 October 10, 2003 LCRM 6.10 Update Schedule and Release Notes
335 October 1, 2003 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
334 September 29, 2003 ASCI SST Y and K Sectors to Be Replaced by xEDTV
333 September 5, 2003 CHAOS 1.2 Release Notes
332 September 3, 2003 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
331 August 6, 2003 CF /g Home Directory Transition
330 August 7, 2003 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
329 August 4, 2003 SCF Directory Transition - Revised September 22, 2003
328 July 17, 2003 HTAR Update
327 July 11, 2003 Change in SCF Mailing List Addresses
326 July 11, 2003 Changes to OCF /nfs/tmp File Systems
325 July 3, 2003 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
324 June 3, 2003 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
323 May 29, 2003 Default Path Change on Tru64 Systems
322 June 4, 2003 Class: Using Livermore Computing’s ASCI IBM SP, Compaq, and Linux Cluster Systems
321 May 1, 2003 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
320 April 11, 2003 Distributed Production Control System (DPCS) Version 6.9
319 April 8, 2003 OCF /usr/gapps File System Move
318 April 1, 2003 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
317 March 10, 2003 Classes:Using LANL's ASCI Q System and

Using Livermore Computing's ASCI IBM SP, Compaq, and Linux Cluster Systems
316 March 4, 2003 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
315 January 28, 2003 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
314 January 17, 2003 SST and White Upgrade to AIX 5.1 PSSP 3.4
313 January 17, 2003 Livermore Computing Tri-Annual Power Shutdown
312 January 13, 2003 OCF /g Home Directory Transition
311 January 6, 2003 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
Bulletin Number Date Title
310 December 2, 2002 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
309 November 19, 2002 Questions on File
308 December 16, 2002 File Interchange System Now Supports Secure File Transport Protocol
307 November 7 , 2002 Class Announcement—Using Livermore Computing's ASCI IBM SP, Compaq, and Linux Systems
306 October 30, 2002 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
305 October 25, 2002 Upcoming Changes to LC OCF Systems
304 October 22, 2002 Distributed Production Control System (DPCS) Version 6.8
303 October 1, 2002 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
302 September 11, 2002 Updates to LINMath
301 September 10, 2002 Shutdown of SCF Access during Family Days
300 September 6, 2002 One-Time Password (OTP)Token Mandatory for Access Services
299 September 2, 2002 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
298 August 16, 2002 SCF Forest Cluster to Be Decommissioned
297 August 8, 2002 Intel Seminar: Compiler and Software Tuning Tools
296 July 31, 2002 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
295 July 2, 2002 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
294 June 28, 2002 Problems with Entrust Client
293 August 1, 2002 GPFS Purge and General Purge Summary
292 May 29, 2002 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
291 May 24, 2002 Storing Dual-Copy Files in LC Archival Storage Systems
290 May 14 , 2002 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
289 June 10–14, 2002 Class Announcement—Using Livermore Computing's ASCI IBM SP and Compaq Cluster System
288 April 3, 2002 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
287 March 18, 2002 Distributed Production Control System (DPCS) Version 6.7
286 March 5 , 2002 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
285 March 5, 2002 Changes to OCF /nfs/tmp File Systems
284 March 11–14, 2002 Class Announcement—Using Livermore Computing's ASCI IBM SP and Compaq Cluster System
283 January 31, 2002 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
282 January 18, 2002 DPCS and the Retirement of Compass
281 January 15, 2002 Data Corruption Problem on LC Archival Storage Systems
280 January 10, 2002 Changes in LC Systems
Bulletin Number Date Title
279 November 29, 2001 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
278 November 6 , 2001 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
277 October 23, 2001 Transition of Forest/SC /u Home Directories to /g File Systems
276 October 1, 2001 GPFS Purge To Begin On /p/gy2 File System
275 October 2, 2001 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
274 September 4, 2001 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
273 August 24, 2001 HTAR: A New File-Archiving Tool
272 September 10, 2001

September 11-14, 2001
Class Announcements—Performance Analysis Tools and Topics for ASCI IBM SP Systems; Using LC's ASCI IBM SP Systems
271 August 7, 2001 Distributed Production Control System (DPCS) Version 6.6
270 August 1, 2001 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
269 July 5, 2001 Proposed SCF Domain-Name Change
268 July 5, 2001 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
267 June 5, 2001 One-Time Password (OTP) Meeting
266 May 31, 2001 New TotalView Available
265 May 27 , 2001 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
264 May 25, 2001 Coming One-Time Password (OTP)
263 June 11, 2001

June 11-15, 2001
Class Announcements—Performance Analysis Tools and Topics for ASCI IBM SP Systems; Using LC's ASCI IBM SP and Compaq Cluster Systems
262 May 25, 2001 New and Improved File Transfer Protocol Available
261 April 27, 2001 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
260 April 9, 2001 Changes to LC /nfs/tmp Services on SCF and OCF
259 April 3, 2001 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
258 April 6, 2001 Transition from /usr/apps to /usr/gapps File Systems
257 March 6, 2001 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
256 February 28, 2001 Remote User Access Will Require Additional Authentication Step
255 February 5, 2001 Distributed File System (DFS) Directory Access Permissions
254 February 6, 2001 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
253 January 11, 2001 Telnet to be Disabled between LC Hosts
252 January 1, 2001 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
Bulletin Number Date Title
251 December 11, 2000 Distributed Production Control System (DPCS) Version 6.5
250 December 4, 2000 Announcing the New OCF Linux Cluster
249 December 1, 2000 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
248 November 1, 2000 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
247 November 1, 2000 Change in System Defined PATHs on OCF Compaq Systems - Revised
246 October 24, 2000 New Global Temporary File System: /nfs/tmp2
244 October 4, 2000 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
243 September 6, 2000 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
242 August 21, 2000 Class Announcement—Using Livermore Computing's ASCI IBM SP and Compaq Cluster Systems: September 7-14, 2000
241 August 1, 2000 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
240 June 30, 2000 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
239 June 14, 2000 Updates to LINMATH: Livermore Interactive Numerical Mathematical Software Access Utility
238 May 29, 2000 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
237 June 17, 2000 Distributed Production Control System (DPCS) Version 6.4.6

OCF installation schedule: Wednesday, June 13, 2000, from 11:00-14:00

SCF installation schedule: Wednesday, July 5, 2000 from 11:00-14:00
236 May 22, 2000 Class Announcement—Using Livermore Computing's ASCI IBM SP and Compaq Cluster Systems: June 13-16, 2000
235 May 18, 2000 June 27: Options for selecting DCE passwords on OCF and SCF will change
234 April 27, 2000 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
233 April 18, 2000 Recursive CHGRP and CHMOD for Storage on Forest and Compass Clusters
232 April 5, 2000 Optimal Use of Livermore Computing File Systems
231 March 29, 2000 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
230 April 4, 2000 LC's Secure Web Server To Be Reconfigured To Only Allow High-grade Encryption Browsers
229 March 8, 2000 Class Announcement—Using the Livermore Computing (LC) and LANL Machines with an Emphasis on the IBM SPs: March 20-24, 2000
228 March 1, 2000 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
227 February 22, 2000 Livermore Computing Gateway To Be Turned Off on April 4, 2000.
226 February 24, 2000 Do You Access LC's Open Computing Facility From Offsite? Get Ready For Firewall Changes on March 1, 2000.
225 February 8, 2000 Ph available on the Secure Computing Facility machines
224 February 29, 2000 Gang Scheduling LoadLeveler (GangLL)
223 February 3, 2000 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
222 January 4, 2000 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
Bulletin Number Date Title
221 December 17, 1999 Distributed Production Control System (DPCS) Version 6.2
220 December 13, 1999 Shutdown of LC Production Machines 8:00 a.m. Friday December 31, 1999-Monday January 3, 2000
219 November 30, 1999 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
218 November 9, 1999 Gang Scheduling LoadLeveler (GangLL)
217 November 8, 1999 Class Announcement—Using the Livermore Computing (LC) Machines With an Emphasis on the IBM SPs: December 6-10, 1999
216 November 1, 1999 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
215 September 23, 1999 Class Announcement—Using the Livermore Computing (LC) Machines With an Emphasis on the IBM SPs: October 11-15, 1999
214 September 20, 1999 Distributed Production Control System (DPCS) Version 6.1.9
213 September 8, 1999 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
212 October 1, 1999 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
211 October 4, 1999 Announcing Common Home Directories For LC SCF Production Hosts - Revised September 10, 2001
209 September 6, 1999 New Web-based Way To Change Your SCF (Closed) DCE Password
208 August 27, 1999 Announcing an Addition to the LC SCF Forest Cluster
207 August 25, 1999 Open and Closed FIS To Require DCE Password

LC SCF Web Access To Require DCE Password

LC SCF Web URL To Change
206 August 20, 1999 Livermore Computing Tri-Annual Power Shutdown
205 October 1, 1999 CRAY J90 Retirement - Revised
204 August 9, 1999 Distributed Production Control System (DPCS) Version 6.1
203 August 4, 1999 Announcing a New Version of LINMath: Livermore Interactive Numerical Mathematical Software Access Utility
202 August 4, 1999 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
201 July 13, 1999 New Way To Change Your FAST (Unclassified) DCE Password on the Web
200 July 9, 1999 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
199 July 12, 1999 Some Web Pages Have Moved -- Use Your DCE Password To Access Them
198 June 29, 1999 E-mail Lists Will Provide Livermore Computing Customers Rapid Informational Updates
197 June 17, 1999 Class Announcement—Using the Livermore Computing (LC) Machines With an Emphasis on the IBM SPs: July 6-9, 1999
196 June 1, 1999 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
195 May 26, 1999 Telnet Access to LC SCF Computer Systems Disabled Encrypted SSH Access Required Beginning June 2, 1999 - Revised
194 May 19, 1999 Class Announcement—Using the Livermore Computing (LC) Machines With an Emphasis on the IBM SPs: June 1-4, 1999
193 May 1, 1999 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
192 April 2, 1999 Now You Have Choices! LC Hotline Telephone Upgrade
191 April 1, 1999 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
190 March 24, 1999 Accessing Livermore Computing (LC) Machines From the LLNL Open Lab Network
189 March 2, 1999 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
188 March 9, 1999 Distributed Production Control System (DPCS) Version 6.0
187 March 8, 1999 FTP Access to Livermore Computing Machines from Off-Site - Revised
186 February 3, 1999 Cedar Not Available February 8-March 9, 1999 During Benchmark Testing of New EV6 Processors
179 February 16, 1999 UPDATE: Accessing Livermore Computing (LC) Machines from Off-Site

(Replaces bulletin dated January 22, 1999) - Revised
185 January 26, 1999 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
184 January 19, 1999 NFS Temporary Directories on the Unclassified Network
183 January 14, 1999 CRAY J90 Operating System Upgrade to UNICOS 10.0
182 January 8, 1999 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
181 January 6, 1999 ASCI Blue-Pacific: Changes May Affect the Porting of Codes from Sky to S

(Replaces bulletin dated Dec. 22, 1998)
Bulletin Number Date Title
180 December 18, 1998 ASCI Blue-Pacific High Level SST and CTR Insertion Plan
178 December 7, 1998 Downtime for /g File Systems
177 December 1, 1998 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
176 November 10, 1998 ASCI Blue Technology Refresh (TR) Machine Memory and Local Disk Upgrade November 14-16, 1998
175 February 16, 1999 Meiko TRIBBLE Machine Upgrade - Revised
174 November 1, 1998 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
173 October 29, 1998 Accessing Livermore Computing (LC) Machines From Off-site
172 October 19, 1998 DPCS version 5.7 To Be Installed on SCF October 28, 1998
171 October 15, 1998 Class Announcement—Using the IBM ASCI Blue-Pacific Machines: October 28-30, 1998
170 October 1, 1998 Request for Comments on How the Distributed Production

Control System (DPCS) Reports Time Used for batch jobs
169 October 1, 1998 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
168 September 18, 1998 Answering Your Questions with LC's New "User Web"
167 September 2, 1998 Transition of /g File Systems to New Servers
166 August 25, 1998 Class Announcement—Using the IBM ASCI Blue-Pacific Machines: September 1-4, 1998
165 August 11, 1998 Gang Scheduler Available on CRAY J90s
164 July 29, 1998 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
162 June 30, 1998 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
161 July 8, 1998 Domain Name Server Changes on the Classified Network Effective July 15, 1998
160 June 30, 1998 Corrected Table Lookup Routines for the PMATH Library
159 June 30, 1998 LINMath: Livermore Interactive Numerical Mathematics Software Access Utility
158 June 30, 1998 Announcing the FAST DEC Tera Cluster Available Tuesday, June 30, 1998
157 June 5, 1998 Class Announcements
156 June 8, 1998 SCF Storage System to Convert to HPSS Starting July 7, 1998
155 May 26, 1998 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
154 May 22, 1998 Printing from LC's Unclassified Production Machines
153 May 7, 1998 Checkpointing and Signals: How to Manage Premature Termination
151 May 1, 1998 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
150 April 22, 1998 DPCS Upgrade to Version 5.5 on SCF Production Machines
149 April 3, 1998 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
148 March 30, 1998 Computing on the Technology Refresh Machines
147 March 9, 1998 DPCS version 5.5 Implements a New Allocation System
146 March 11, 1998 Announcing LLNL XDIR 2.1
145 March 5, 1998 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
144 February 26, 1998 The ASCI Technology Refresh (TR) to Arrive March 6, 1998
143 February 19, 1998 Y-Machine Shutdown Ceremony Scheduled for Monday, March 2, 1998 at 9:30am
142 February 4, 1998 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
141 January 30, 1998 DPCS (Batch/Psub) Class to be Given 2/12/98
140 January 14, 1998 Proper Use of FTP Transfer Modes
139 January 15, 1998 Disk Quota Limits to Begin on Forest Home Directory File Systems - February 4, 1998
138 January 12, 1998 Class Announcement—Using the ASCI Blue-Pacific Machines
137 January 9, 1998 The Y-MACHINE is Scheduled to be Turned Off on March 2, 1998
136 January 8, 1998 LC Customers Monthly Meeting Agenda
Bulletin Number Date Title
135 December 12, 1997 DPCS Version 5.4 to be Installed 12/17/97
134 December 8, 1997 The ASCI Technical Refresh (TR) is Coming
130 October 27, 1997 Disk Quota Limits to Begin on /g File Systems November 5, 1997
129 October 21, 1997 Guide to Use of Secure Shell (ssh) on LC Hosts
108 March 12, 1997 Use the SCF POP Server To Read All Your SCF Email in One Location
Bulletin Number Date Title
95 September 23, 1996 Common Home Directories on the LC Unclassified Hosts